No lie. $INTC is my Yolo. Holding to $0.

    Posted by lluxury


    1. Guess you’re waiting for the inevitable US government bailouts which would be on top of what they already gave under the CHIPS act

    2. ScipioAfricanusMAJ on

      Globalfoundaries has a market cap of 25B and that’s what I think of Intel so good luck in the upcoming months.

    3. Fun fact, the last time INTC went from $30>$20, it took them 11 years to get back up to $30 again.

      Godspeed OP lol

    4. did some DD on Intel

      youre betting that they integrate EUV wafer well and eat on TSMCs margins and that they might get a Leap being first with high NA EUV wafer tech

      you need the Market believing this much earlier than the product showing Up in earnings

    5. Uberslaughter on

      Love that someone’s dead grandma is our new meme and it’s a better memorial than she could’ve ever asked for

    6. You should sell these and get 2028 when they’re available. China will take Taiwan and TSMC will fall.

    7. BlurredSight on

      I played 40 calls when the stock was at 38, those expired worthless so then I bought stock at 36-38. Now that is worthless

      This dogshit bumass corporation, leave the chip making to the Taiwanese

    8. Matt_CanadianTrader on

      You made the guy who potentially lost his grandma’s inheritance feel a lot better Atleast.

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