Weekly jobless claims fall to 233,000, less than expected, in a positive sign for labor market


    Posted by GringottsWizardBank


    1. Justanotherbob293 on

      So let me get this straight. An 8000 person difference in one week is what makes or breaks the entire US economy?

      Make it make sense

    2. SHREKING ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    3. No-Calligrapher-3513 on

      Bears losing their mind ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    4. HundoHavlicek on

      Last weeks job report was bad but this weeks jobless report is good?

      I don’t know what that means but if it puts an end to those 🌈 🐻 then I guess it’s ok

    5. People not losing jobs but no one is getting hired. We’re in step 1 and if corporate earnings come back negative again next Q I expect the steep layoffs to begin.

    6. So, this is good news! Oh, wait.. the rates won’t be cut then, so its bad news. Wait, but then isn’t it the same as before so the market should be flat? But it’s been down lately, so it’s good news. Oh damn, forgot this was a casino!

    7. Holding my calls but I’m skeptical this news will be a positive catalyst for the market. I think the market is stuck in a weird place right now where any news is bad news. Jobless claims coming in lower doesn’t necessarily give us a signal that a recession is averted, but it definitely gives another data point to the fed that they can wait on rate cuts.

    8. Substantial_Buy_2770 on

      I think I have been bamboozled as I bought spy and Nvidia pre market because of this report

    9. dachosenones on

      yeah that doesn’t mean anything, wall street bols are desperately grasping at any straws. Wait till month’s job report lmfao.

    10. dachosenones on

      lmfao bull are so fucking desperate for a pump it’s actually kind of sad lmfao

    11. Numbers are out of context. The only thing that kept this report from being an utter disaster was the TX numbers. Prob all construction.

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