Intel reportedly gave up a chance to buy a stake in OpenAI in 2017

    Posted by johnnycoldfeet


    1. johnnycoldfeet on

      Intel fumbled the bag hard on this one. Back in 2017, they had the chance to snag a 15% stake in OpenAI for a cool $1 billion. But Bob Swan, the CEO at the time, didn’t think AI was gonna blow up anytime soon.

      Fast forward to now, and OpenAI is a huge player in the AI game, thanks to ChatGPT and billions in investment from Microsoft. Intel’s AI game is lagging while Nvidia’s making bank. Talk about a missed opportunity!

    2. OpenAI is a money losing business. The Azure bill would have killed Intel. That computing power is not cheap.

    3. Longjumping-Week8761 on

      Lol so add this to the list of deals they’ve fucked themselves over with… Apple, OpenAI, NVIDIA …

      Please BAN the word Intel… It’s a shit company

    4. It was a smart move. OpenAI isn’t profitable and only surviving because Microsoft subsidizes their cloud costs heavily. Intel doesn’t have as much money to burn and doesn’t own their own world leading cloud.

    5. They were right in that. These AI innovations are cash incinerators. The power they consume to do work is insane.

    6. It’s the right decision. If OpenAI run by Intel, it’s probably CPU based. What they have achieved isn’t possible.

    7. OfficialHavik on

      Intel fumbling this too is so on brand for them. Fumbled the iPhone, fumbled cloud, fumbled GPUs and accelerators, fumbling AI currently. This is so on brand for them.

    8. Troflecopter on

      Based on all the WSB comments and intel, I am pretty sure the intel bottom is in.

    9. Great-Ad-4416 on

      And I give up a chance to buy the winning lottery numbers before it came out.
      What’s the point?

    10. HeavyRightFoot19 on

      Whenever a company dies everyone always says what they could have done but they quite literally died because they did not have good decision makers. Hindsight can’t run a company.

    11. These comparisons are pointless. If it did buy a stake – it would probably shift OpenAI into a different direction and it wouldn’t be as successful as it is now.

    12. Just makes Intel CEO a mod already. There must be a strict rule about not posting religious stuff for him though

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