Most Anticipated Earnings Releases for the week beginning August 12th 2024

    Posted by rylar


    1. Solarshade13 on

      For some reason my gut told me to buy calls EOD.. so I inversed myself and bought 7 SPY 8/9 230P lmaoooo smh![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)

    2. Pure-Distribution-51 on

      So tempted to buy sigma calls next week. Why? Because it’s sigma ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)

    3. I bought SOUN calls when I should’ve bought puts and PARA puts when I should’ve bought calls. I’ll have to remember that for next time.

    4. PuzzleheadedOffer749 on

      CISCO puts. Bought a shit ton this past Monday & will buy more tomorrow.

      Lambo or local bus.

    5. retard_trader on

      Earnings season doesn’t even matter anymore. We’re all just waiting to see how much NVDA beats by and what it does to the market.

    6. 1-800-IV-CRUSH on

      Made money on ABNB puts, lost money on EXPE puts. Going all in on MNDY calls tomorrow at 3:59 PM EST fuck everything else. If I go broke I go broke

    7. planethempnaarea on

      What a fun ride I had. Started with $55K lost 30K on Netflix, then had two amazing victories on Tesla and Ford – Managed to hit $80K.

      Then a lot of back and forth many good ones such as Meta calls and Abnb Puts and many wrong ones too.

      This week was rough and after defeats in Z puts and SG puts I am back to square 1 at $55K. Bought some NVDA shares and passive ETFs and I’m out.

      I think the fact that I came back exactly to square 1 was a good sign for it. Will build it slowly with deposits and ETFs and will come here just for fun.

      Take care out there – many earnings highly manipulated like Hood and U. Not worthy to donate money to these crooks.

      Peace Guys. Have a great weekend.

    8. SmarterThanYouBud on releases earnings on… wait for it…


      ^(no one knows what is though so it don’t fuckin matter)

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