$ASTS Satellites Arrive at Cape Canaveral For Upcoming Launch


    Posted by AFGB


    1. This pic goes hard


      Up 13.65% today and 7% after hours. Shoutout to the people ( u/the_blue_pil, u/ritron9000) posting about $ASTS here for the past few months. You’ve made a lot of people a lot of money (unrealized, YOLO)

    2. Emergency-Ticket5859 on

      Can ASTS bulls explain how they’re going to raise more of the cash they’re burning in the short term?

    3. Redditaccount2322 on

      Good DD on the forum here. I should have listened at $8, $12 and now at $20. But I won’t – I’ll wait until it peaks and then FOMO in. As is tradition.

      This and $HE were the two biggest plays this year outside of mag7.

    4. Aggravating-Elk-7409 on

      I can’t remember who put me onto this stock but thank you for doing so

    5. Additional-Age-6323 on

      27m short interest on 128m float as of 7/15 and new data comes out eod tomorrow. Would hate to be the ones shorting this.

    6. MyUsernameistakenagn on

      This is still an early price to get in, conservative estimates are around 400-500 a share in a few years

    7. BefreiedieTittenzwei on

      “Space Truckers! Because in space no one can hear you piss in a jug”
      Piss jugs=Strong buy indicator!!

    8. Damn it!! I sold my calls this morning to reposition. The calls were very ITM so I can’t complain. Lost out on a lot of profits. It’s ok. I will re-buy with a longer expiration date. I did, however, load up on shares when it went down to $18. I am already up 30%.

    9. I’m torn inside with the positive news recently.

      Around June, I got onboard on ASTS based on someone posted here in WSB around $4.

      All together, in all my ira and trading accounts, I got 2K shares.

      The main heartbroken thing was that I sold cover calls on them shares at $5 back in June. Rolled them to August for extra premium but pretty much cap my profit.

      Everyday I root for ASTS to fly higher and higher, but you know the feeling.

    10. Must be why I got priced out. Usually sell on the pump n buy the dip. Never dipped back after 21.50 now it’s 24.50 sheesh

    11. Space cell towers have got to be like the next evolutionary progression of telecommunications imo, it just makes so much sense

    12. AnotherScoutTrooper on

      I never see these things until I’m pretty sure it’s too late, and then I check back 2 months later and the $9 stock that “reached its top” is now almost $24 and ran up 21% in the week of a mini-recession

      I still think it’s too late to put any money into this, even shares

    13. My 10k shares were called away at $5. So my dumb ass revenge bought 20k at 7. Here we go.

    14. amigo-burrito on

      I bought this at 9.30, then panicked when it went down 15%. Lost like 50k instantly

    15. I’m normally pretty bearish but this has me excited. I was in for $9 a couple years ago when it was being talked about before it sank, only about 100 dollars worth though. I still have those shares!

      Wishing luck to everyone here who found a successful ‘penny’ stock. I think it’s too late for me to get back in, but I still follow it.

    16. I invested in Intuitive Machines (a tad late, didn’t make anything on the first but I’m holding for the second), I gotta find all these public space companies cause they’re almost guaranteed if they have a team of more than like 7 people in a shed.

    17. Y’all forget the OG that yoloed 6mm into this shit at 10 dollars 3 years ago i pray this man returns to show his massive gains

    18. pistolpeter1111 on

      I always buy tops, I want to buy so bad but that’s a red flag for me lol, especially with the recent rip up. Good luck, I’m gonna watch from the side lines.

    19. Intelligent_Ear_9726 on

      Whoever put me on to this in may I love you. Up $45k on jan2025 calls and I think I’m gonna try to exercise them and hold for the long term. On open if it’s where we are in AH I’ll be up probably over $50k

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