How many of you bought the dip and quit wendy’s?

    Posted by venom_holic_


    1. Competitive-Bag-6782 on

      Quit Wendys? No way! Unlike McDonald’s, Wendy’s isn’t pretending to be an upscale restaurant with high prices and shitty food.

    2. AnonThrowAway072023 on

      Hahaha, as if anybody had anything left to buy with today after these last couple weeks

    3. Parking-Bar8183 on

      What’s up with these emotional investors buying and selling trillions of dollars of stonks every other day?

    4. Ok_Entrepreneur3893 on

      There’s some bull out there with all them little red squares wondering why all the other bulls are happy…

    5. I doubled down on puts. Sorry folks, ya’ll are cooked next week ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)

    6. The volatility in the markets recently is signalling the end of the bull market. You can still be bullish and make some money but it’s more likely there will be more deep red -3% days and any money you make will be lost

    7. Substantial-Crazy-72 on

      Caught 22% from SHOP. Put in FSLEX for a little more safety….another 6% next day. 50k ish happy dance. Still down 100k plus. 🙁

    8. lostfinancialsoul on

      I am red on my small cap even though 40% increase in rev H123 vs H124….. just expanded their products into more of samsungs most popular phones they sell in terms of volume…expanded chargers with lenovo and dell(?), tons of design wins noted in most ER on the 12th.  

      but ya know its gone from 4.90 to 3.20 in the last 3 weeks. 

      also has beat rev expectations for 4 or 5 quarters in a row.

      MaRkET iS FoRwaRd looking

    9. userfakesuper on

      Jesus H Christ. The price goes up 1%-2% on average and you regards have an aneurysm or is it an orgasm.. I can never tell these days.

    10. ModifiedLeaf on

      That gap down from sunday’s open was filled. I don’t think we’re out of the woods quite yet. Time will tell.

    11. I sold 15k of my pussy ass target date fund to buy QQQM, shares of the mag7 minus Tesla, and TSM. I’m all the way back up to where I was last week. Praying for this to be the bottom… And if it’s not, I’ll sell more of that USELESS Vanguard target date fund that has been holding me back for years! IDGAF, ASTS and crypto will continue to save me from all my bad decisions anyways.

    12. Me! For once! But I will admit, the optimism in here has me more scared than the markets

    13. Staying at Wendy’s – if you wanna win the lottery, you gotta make the money to buy the stock.

    14. I bought the dip. Not quitting “Wendy’s” until passive income pays the annual salary.

    15. I didn’t. I was too chicken tender that the dip will keep dipping. Missed out. Will continue my Wendy’s job.

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