Never felt more alive.

    Posted by scuttletrash


    1. Pale_Yoghurt_9549 on

      Did you buy those puts yesterday or something? Why didn’t you sell?![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    2. alligatorchamp on

      You could have done puts on so many companies, but you people keep on picking NVDA.

    3. Not sure if this one can recover. No catalyst to really move the market tomorrow. Unless…💣

    4. bawtatron2000 on

      Personally woulda went for a pile of blow on a remote island to blow a stack of cash, but whatever gives you the trill!

    5. DaRealElonMusk on

      How is this possible you could have sold everything and bought calls midday ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    6. Medium_Grand_8182 on

      Next time just give me your money and I will kick you in your vagina or balls so you feel alive.

    7. chewbaccashotlast on

      If you bought these at open today you would have had a giant green candle. Were you expecting a big reversal?

      Today I went 100c 8/9 NVDA lost 40% in minutes then sold just above breakeven to watch it fucken soar ugh

    8. That 4k is still more than 37 Indian families life savings. You can turn that into 100k by April 2025

    9. blackbookstar on

      Does anyone ever think about idk maybe doing like just $1000 per position, ever???

    10. GotBannedAgain_2 on

      Today was hard. It was obvious we were mooning. But last few days taught us that shit rolls downhill, real fast. I don’t blame u OP. We’ve got a fucking solid green candle of 120+ points on ES. Crazy ass day. On a side note…u r so fucked. And I am sorry, truly am. I know the feeling of losing that hard earned money. 😩

    11. Ongo_Cryptoglian on

      Now quit your job, go to the bar, and start a fight with the first Mofo that looks at you.

    12. Far_Health_3214 on

      this is why i never bothered to learn options.
      you get rich quick but also go poor quick

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