1. This week has been one of the most exciting weeks in the stock market. I should have worn a seatbelt for this rollercoaster ride.

    2. Substantial_Quail432 on

      I might just go back to watching today. I do think if it tries to hit 537, it might fall back down at first like yesterday.

      It kept hitting the same exact price over and over until the 5th time it finally shot through lol

    3. PsychologyBusy3961 on

      It’s a Friday after a big run up day. We’ve all seen this before. Get ready for chop and sideways action. 

      The usual 3 to 4 dollar drop on Nvda at the open, followed by the usual V.

      Collapsing vix and no negative narrative should make for an easy buy that initial dip day.

    4. Do you think Palantir will break through its ATH in the near future? I am firmly convinced.

    5. WildConsideration376 on

      Theres two stocks paying weekly dividend
      $50k buys you 1000 shares..weekly dividend on that is $226..approx $900 a month $10k a year ..that’s where you dump your options gains..but you love Wendy’s so you hate taking profits

    6. Josepth_Blowsepth on

      Good morning sunshine. Today we have to pay some bills. Becky needs her blow. So your portfolios gonna go low.

    7. Substantial_Quail432 on

      I’m going to research today some cheap stocks with good fundamentals. Maybe I’ll go back to being a smart guy instead of expecting to make 5k-10k a week like a fucking Degen.

      That’s not a typical profit unless you have a massive account or someone leaking lol.

      I’m going back to grandpa investing 😂

    8. SignalX_Cyber on

      I was on a vacation for a week and just came back (no joke) , what the f happened on Monday the 5th?

    9. LetsConsultTheMap on

      NVDA to hit 110 so I can offload half of these calls and let the rest ride through next week.

    10. somehow got out of my 0dte spy puts yesterday without losing it all. our lord and savior Jesus Christ must be looking out for me

      whats next

    11. TSMSC priming Nvidia to blast the fuck off past the stratosphere yet again.

      Here we fuckin go.

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