Fuck. I will be apologizing to my future wife and kids for ruining their opportunity for generational wealth. I made stupid degen plays to get to 1.5m and I made stupid degen plays to get back down to 25k. Literally all I had to do was buy 30k shares of QQQ and I could've let that sit forever. I got so greedy and in turn spiraled out. I would never kms, but I understand the headspace now. The money was never mine to begin with if I never withdrew it, but still. All of the should've could've would'ves… At a conservative 8% return, it'd be $15m+ by the time I'd be allowed to touch it without penalty. Oh well.


    Posted by CircaMuse


    1. If you did it once, why don’t you believe you can do it again? It shouldn’t take much to believe in something you’ve already seen. And next time you’ll be wise enough to stop right?

    2. What did you invest in? It happened once, it could happen again, and now you have the extra knowledge of what it’s like to lose 1m

    3. SkinDustMask on

      The YOLO, when successful is a brief reminder even a blind regard gets a nut. Next time remind yourself to not succeed in your YOLO, then you won’t run into this problem.

    4. Honest question, u/CircaMuse, what was your number for cashing out and lumping into SPY? Clearly it was higher than $1m, right…

    5. LukesLoveStick on

      Intel guys nana is gonna haunt you too ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    6. NaorobeFranz on

      All you had to do was invest the 1.5M in something reasonable, could’ve retire in a few years. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)

    7. paulalexanderxo on

      You’ve made me feel a lot better about losing $450k in a year. I appreciate your sacrifice fellow smooth brain.

    8. TheDiligentDog on

      Wait, so you went from $1300 to $1.5 million in like 25 days and then lost it all in like 3 days? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8883)

    9. Various-Ducks on

      Still a really good overall return

      Did you feel any different for those 2 days you were a millionaire?

    10. This is what everyone on wsb loves to see. The folks who get lucky, didnt know they got lucky and thought it was “skill” and then lose it all

    11. Crusty_Pancakes on

      Thanks OP I all of a sudden feel much better about being down almost 20k all time! 

      Seriously though you would have never stopped. If 100k wasn’t enough, then 500k wasn’t, then a million still wasn’t you weren’t ever gonna be satisfied. 

      It was never about the money. You chased the high of winning like a meth addict. 

    12. lol fuck I would be so depress and disgusted with myself. Thank you for making my day you sweet regard.

    13. Odd-Block-2998 on

      Let me guess your thought at that moment.

      *Why stopped at $1M when I could have $10M?*

    14. If I had 1m in cash that would go 60% into SPLG, 20% into BND, 20% into SCHD and I proceed to live a quiet unremarkable life.

      But in order to make 1m in the first place you need to be the kind of person who wouldn’t hold 20% SCHD and 20% BND.

    15. Iwubinvesting on

      imaging getting 1.5M, like 120k passive income for the rest of your life btw, and still being like “nah boi I wanna gamble options!”

    16. I need to save this.post for when I make money. I should take everything out when I make 100K. That’s my target. The target moves as I lose more.

    17. FrenchieChase on

      I bet the early withdrawal penalty you would have had to pay on $1.5m is looking pretty good right about now

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