This is the screen I got but actual sell profit was 1070%. Not too bad for 24 hour hold time.

    Posted by livingisdeadly


    1. Grats, happy for you. You earnings boys make me jealous and fomo, but i know there were probably like 69 people who got burnt getting calls or playing other tickers or some shit.

    2. Aggravating_Land7453 on

      Can someone give an explanation on why it beat expectations yet crashed?

      I get the general sentiment against these apps, they are evil and have a conflict of interest with their users, but why?

      EDIT: Just a disclosure that I would like these apps to crash into oblivion. They made an entire generation miserable.

    3. Delicious-Text-307 on

      Take some of that money and invest it in safer securities. Seen too many people make it big and then literally lose everything. Congrats fellow regard.

    4. Plus_Seesaw2023 on

      So you shorted the bottom, bottom, bottom, thinking the stock would go even lower????

      A huge short squeeze is about to happen! (watch the daily volume! just insane !)

      You’ve been extremely lucky. Are you an insider?

    5. SpezJailbaitMod on

      I had this idea 3 months ago and it didn’t work. You took my idea and made money with it I hate you 

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