The more I look at NVDA, AMD, ARM and AVGO's chart the better they look for the next few weeks. Talking about a total reversal on all three names. NVDA in particular closed above 102 and looks to retest its 200 moving average.

    Another key thing that I look at is consolidation. NVDA showed a bullish harami candle yesterday, which matches both NVDA's and ARM's bullish harami mid-april before they reversed that downtrend and skyrocketed. Very rare pattern that tends to indicate a reversal, especially for large caps.

    No guarantees but looking very good. I have significant mid-term position in NVDA that I've been picking up this week on the sell-off.

    Charts for NVDA, AMD and ARM are looking very bullish
    byu/salacious_lion inwallstreetbets

    Posted by salacious_lion


    1. AdventurousCowMooo on

      I really don’t know what you’re talking about but the word “Harami” means “B@stard” in Urdu so just letting you know.

    2. I am grateful the portents bode well for my NVDA calls.

      Do the goat’s entrails show anything about earnings on Aug 30th?

      All tongue and cheek. I don’t think TA is entirely like Astrology, I think of it more like having weighted die than hard and fast rules, so I am genuinely interested in what TA indicates for the Aug 30th earnings.

    3. I have prob 75-85K in NVDA. Down a decent amount but thinking of buying some more. Wish I knew enough about options. The would be a great way to play it. I have AMD (much less) but not ARM.

    4. Putting too much faith in a single candle. I counted 5 times the pattern appears in your 2nd chart and in that chart alone it’s failed more times than the 2 points you cherrypicked. As a matter of fact a bullish harami is far from a rare candle pattern.

      2 Candlestick patterns are some of the least reliable indicators. Sucks you’re on the wrong side of a trade, this screams desperate to confirm a bias. I’ve built models to backtest candlestick patterns, and a bullish/bearish harami barely cracks 50% success rate.

    5. I think this coming week Nvidia will test 110. The majority of strikes are around that level and as we get closer to earnings they start stacking near 120. We already saw what happens when this thing moves, we shot up to 120 instantly in 1 day.

      Nvidia will beat earnings I think everyone knows that, but this could be some market fuckery. There definitely has been downwards pressure trying to get retail to sell like we saw today. But institutions are definitely loading up.

      Honestly nobody should give a fuck about the short term price of this stock regardless of whether you got in at 95 or 130. It’s the company of the decade and it’s literally shaping the direction every company is going towards.


    6. elysiansaurus on

      I’m considering nvda puts just because calls seems so obvious and what everybody expects. Need to inverse myself.

    7. With my confirmation bias, i agree wholeheartedly with your DD. My – 70% calls are in need of a jump.

    8. LitThatFireTV on

      I got into a 8/30 100 call that I’m up 230 bucks on. Hoping to get a nice run into earnings. Part of me thinks I should get a far out to hold for earnings but my money don’t jingle jingle

    9. Legitimate_Risk_1079 on

      Next two weeks it looks to be in red for NVDA, ARM and AMD, all the way till August 28.

    10. Tried to sell a few puts on NVDA but didn’t get my price. Will try again Monday for sure

    11. I looked at it the other day upside down and i finally realized I have no ideas what I’m doing, but something says find your inner ape

    12. on your attached picture. May i ask about that small colorful table at the bottom right corner of the screen where it shows the different timeframe and indicates whether its bullish or rebound? is that an indicator on tradingview?


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