17k Nvidia calls


    Posted by Imzyfed


    1. Beneath-the-Sword on

      I like it, but I would offload most of these if we get a 5% daily upswing sometime soon and let a couple ride.

    2. Loud_Pineapple_4294 on

      Good luck, i have 85P, only one of us will win ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)

    3. So many people in the comments that don’t know how options work is why normies need to stay away from options.

      He doesn’t need NVDA to hit 146 for him to make profit… not how calls work.

    4. Great play. Next week can be huge for you if you’re looking for a quick exit. Anything above 110 will be a 25% by Tuesday for you. What’s your exit plan?

      I was eyeing 1/17/25 120$ calls.

    5. Prior-Spell-7549 on

      I have this fucken gut feeling everyone expects it to hit 140-150 after earnings, and it’s gonna drop.

      BUT since I think it’s gonna drop, now it’s gonna go up.

      Fuck, since I’m typing this it’ll probably be puts.

      So buy calls.

    6. thecursedchuro on

      im dumping all my paychecks into NVDA tbh

      AI isn’t going away. We’re only in the beginning.

    7. Sometimes I question my trading strategies, but then I come to wsb and feel a lot better.

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