11K work of AMZN Calls expiring in an hour. Should I stop hoping for a miracle?


    Posted by hhh888hhhh


    1. four_digit_follower on

      What would help is if Jeff Bezos drove an Amazon rocket full of supplies for the International space station and brought stranded astronauts on their way back. That would make you even. For a win, you need something better.

    2. DemisHassabisFan on

      Why are you invested in shitty companies? Invest in S&P 500 instead brother.

    3. Dang, and you can’t even go work at Wendy’s anymore, Palantir has stolen all the positions… including the one behind the dumpster.

    4. GraceBoorFan on

      Would’ve been nicer to torch that 11K at Ssense or Bergdorf Goodman — you still would’ve been down -11K, but atleast you’d have some new drip 💧

    5. spartan-wrath on

      It’s remarkable really. Ur long calls and short put are equally dead.

      The stock you hold also happened to time travel to the 2000s, pricing wise.

      Are you sure it’s safe for you to step out of the house? How frequently do meteorites drop by?

    6. Dude are you okay? Call the suicide hotline if you need someone to talk to. Life gets better.

    7. Mellowhype_503 on

      I would say join me outside of Wendy’s but I don’t think your allowed on the premises

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