INTC – 1 month price chart

    (Reuters) – Moody's downgraded Intel's senior unsecured rating on Thursday to BAA1 from its earlier A3 rating, citing concerns about the chipmaker's profitability. The unsecured ratings outlook has been changed to negative from stable, Moody's said. It affirmed Intel's Prime-2 short-term commercial paper rating.


    Intel's Nightmare Week: Price in Freefall (38% plunge) + Moody's Downgrade
    byu/Much_Huckleberry_124 inwallstreetbets

    Posted by Much_Huckleberry_124


    1. literallyregarded on

      Those analysts are pathetic, they only adjust rating after the price drops. When the price WILL go back up, I can guarantee you they will increase the rating. Lmao. Pathetic. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    2. Stupid-Dolphin on

      Is it genuinely good time to put money in Intel? I feel like this has to go up eventually no way it stays down

    3. The fact that Intel debt was rated as investment grade up until this point says all I need to know about Moody’s. Good to know that nothing has changed since pension funds were loading up on synthetic CDOs in 2007.

    4. Everyone in comments buying Intel… what the fuck. This is news that Intel’s debt might collapse. $700k Kid used the “it’s so cheap” thesis. Go ahead and keep trying it, but sometimes there’s a reason that investors sell their shares of a company.

    5. Intel is effectively priced for bankruptcy. If you don’t think they’ll go bankrupt. It’s a buy

    6. Free-Initiative7508 on

      Moody’s research are reactionary…basically like shifting goalposts as long as it suites their narrative

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