Started with 50k. Went up 12k immediately. Slowly have lost 20k. Mainly because of selling at a lose just to watch it rise week later, but you know… stop-loss 😒 Yes I do have a compulsion and want that quick hit but also open to suggestions to make sure I get back to even. Thanks.

    Posted by jcash407


    1. HungryLikeTheVVolf on

      Just accept that you’re going to gamble it all away. Might as well go to the Vegas and have a great 48 hours with that money.

    2. JackieDaytona222 on

      Down payment on a house, when Fed cuts rates the housing market is going to blow up again.

    3. Well, don’t play earning but read earning reports, also learn about RSI, option volumes, and don’t fall into hypes.

      Buy after a pull back and sell when you get a good profit don’t be greedy.

      In the money, 2 weeks ahead.

      2 good shares I can give: Duolingo and palantir

    4. YamImpossible9698 on

      I recommend more dumbass gambling. Eventually you’ll win tons and lose it all when you feel arrogant enough to believe you outsmarted the market

    5. alpinedistrict on

      Humble yourself and realize you’re not a trading prodigy. Most people aren’t. Just invest the money

    6. FeeImpressive8644 on

      Actually invest and play options with a small amount of capital. With those gains invest again, and repeat.

    7. Just buy INTC shares with everything. It will go x10 in a few years. As long as it survives until q3 2025

    8. I’m down about the same this month. No matter how long you’ve been In the game you just gotta look back to how it happened. For me it was going out of my strategy that had gotten me gains for most of the year / way out of my risk tolerance. Sometimes it’s luck but discipline to a strategy will save ya

    9. Keep making bets that are the opposite of what our gut tells us. Go for it bro. You got this.

    10. Captain_Ahab_Ceely on

      -20% is too big a loss for 30 days. I’d size smaller while you figure out mistakes, etc. You can get better and profitable but you need to get experience and that requires capital. If you make yolo trades to get back to even, and lose, you don’t learn much and now you can’t trade. It sucks you won’t get huge wins by sizing down but once you figure everything out, you’re setting yourself up for a long lifetime of profitable trades that will get more and more profit as time goes on.

    11. Whatever house money you’re playing with, take half of it out. Buy something nice, pay something off, just do something to reward yourself in case shit really goes tits up. You’ll thank me later.

      Edit* just read your full post. Take 2/3’s of your portfolio out before you lose everything.

    12. Neither-Macaroon5723 on

      Sell put a equal amount into ARTG ATH and TEC take the dividends and use your cash account if you have one and put the earnings into a tsfa then use that money to buy and sell every 1-3months on stocks invested with that money that you want to invest in for fun to learn what’s what and how things work so your not playing with any money you need to earn. The stock prices go up that grows your portfolio and dividends will allow you to teach your self how things work and what stocks do well that you found and what doesn’t.

    13. SqueezeStreet on

      Split that 40k into 4 different 10k accounts and trade one at a time until it goes to zero or 100k.

      If it goes to zero you have 3 more chances.

    14. Puzzleheaded-Ad7772 on

      Seems like you’re chasing. Wait for the correct opportunity and make the correct play

    15. Chill the f out. Make less trades and focus on longer term. You sound like a dude at a blackjack table.

    16. Pomegranate_777 on

      I would advise you not to panic close your positions but to plan your exits based on the fundamentals of the underlying stock and any upcoming news or announcements that could move the price prior to expiration. No matter what the crowd is doing.

    17. TheDiligentDog on

      Depends on your position and how serious you want to become about trading. I would definitely stopped trading for a while. Take a break, try to go through your trades, ask yourself what went wrong, what did you do good. Try to then adjust your strategy based on that. I would then procced to trading on a demo account with fake money. Just to regain confidence and see if your adjustments actually work. I think the worst thing is to try to get it all back and lose it all. If you are planning to do this for years than 2-3 months of paper trading won’t hurt you.![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189) The thing is most people prolly YOLO everything in demo account (because they don’t care), hit the jackpot and regain everything back with one trade and go immediately back to real money thinking how they figured it out. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8883)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)

    18. If you don’t want to gamble it, trade based on fundamentals. Buy it when the fundamentals say buy and sell when they say sell. I usually buy based on fundamentals and sell when it hits the price that I have set to sell it at.

      Unless you’re invested in some pump and dump stocks, most will recover. Buy stock in companies that have solid fundamentals and will offer a return.

    19. 20% is very normal, especially if growth investing. You should be prepared for a lot worse.

    20. Pitiful_Fox5681 on

      What would I do? Sell, take the tax deduction, tuck my tail between my legs, and use what I had left to invest long term in a diversified index fund. 

      But what will you do? Maybe $50k doesn’t mean as much to you as it does to me. Maybe it’s good for another YOLO or a long weekend in Vegas. 

    21. Alternative_Owl_9937 on

      Bro that’s not even bad. Like that’s part of investing/gambling

    22. Leather-Clock1917 on

      way too much $ in your account. if you’re new, then withdraw like 80-90% of it & just trade with 5k

    23. Liquidate your positions

      Get out of margins, absolutely do not use margin, Robinhood will fuck you 100%

      Sell ootm puts on nvidia on red days

      Buy them back on green days

      If they get assigned sell covered calls on them

    24. Wrath-Of-Storms on

      My dude… You haven’t been up once in 3 months; why would you think you would be tomorrow? Take the L, learn from the experience, and for the love of God, just put the rest of the money in the SP 500 and forget about it.

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