Anyone thinking of shorting Tesla with Toyota announcing 9 minute charging capability and the fall out of the robotaxi stuff with Uber i feel like it’s looking bleak. Curious to hear peoples thoughts.

    Edit: I’m not saying I’m going to short it. I’m new to trading just curious about what folks are thinking.

    byu/johnconyers inwallstreetbets

    Posted by johnconyers


    1. Ok-Elderberrygrower on

      And what happens when space X saves the astronauts stuck in orbit until 2025?

    2. crispybrojangle on

      Yea toyota just rolled out a new engine that was supposed to be the bees knees but ended up dealing with catastrophic engine failures.. sure, 9 minute charges.. i bet.

    3. Tesla is by and far the most illogical stock of the MAG 7. I wouldn’t try to out think it

    4. It’s a meme stock economic reality has nothing to do with it. Just look at memes if you want to know when to short

    5. TSLA is empty promises and mediocre cars.

      Optimus is their best option and they’re working on CyberStuck and robotaxi… 

    6. HighPitchedHegemony on

      I thought Robotaxis were going to be unveiled on 8/8 or was that just a nod to some Nazi friends of Elmo?

    7. The only reason I don’t do that is that this is a bull market. It is very risky to short a company during a bull market. If the market crashes, Tesla is my go-to choice

    8. Idk anything about robotaxi but my grandma was in phoenix last month and got picked up in a Jaguar driverless Uber so…. All in.

    9. Repulsive_Bat_3076 on

      Anybody thinking about shorting Toyota? All this here battery talk came out of nowhere and sounds like Nixon’s secret plan. But maybe if I read something…

    10. yippiekiyay865 on

      Worst take.  Musks fans are dumb and will prop up any turd.  While I believe Tesla is heavily over valued, only a fool would bet against Elon’s cult. 

    11. As soon as someone says to short Tesla, all Elon has to do is tweet about the moon being conquered by transgender Muslims then his stans buy buy buy and you money is gone dude.

    12. You’re gonna make Elon get back out his short shorts.

      On a more serious note, even if Toyota could charge in 9 minutes where TF are they gonna plug them into?

    13. I’ve made more 💰 on Tesla calls than anything. From 190-240 was quite a ride. Sold it all at 240 and ready to start again.

    14. elmo is a fucking clown. the shareholders are dumber than the bacteria in my shit. flush all that crap away.

    15. 🤣🤣🤣 Do Not Short Tesla. Hear it from me. I shorted $20k worth like 3 weeks out and got completely fried. Diamond handed those bitches to zero & you will too. It’s on sale right now I just bought shares.

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