Interesting, what does this mean for the future?

    Posted by AlphaFlipper


    1. fygooyecguhjj37042 on

      High levels of a combination of income tax, capital gains tax, and/or governmental interference = bye bye. Surely this has always been true.

    2. donebeingbroke on

      if this is to show movement of wealth, does millionaire even count? in how many of these countries is that just a home and some inheritence.
      seems like small potatoes

    3. It seems like there are more millionaires than moving out than moving in. I know not all countries are represented, but shouldn’t the sum of it all be somewhat close to net zero?

    4. Life_Walrus_4263 on

      looks like millionaires care about their physical safety

      and how fucked up the goverment is in the country you live in

    5. UAE still the fakest place I ever been too. A bowl of wealth but no culture. Where the cockroaches don’t roam the streets but live in the buildings.

    6. HeyGuysKennanjkHere on

      That smart people are getting rich or prosecuted and are moving to better places

    7. Can confirm, I’m a millionaire that moved to Dubai 2 years ago. UAE has fantastic infrastructure, zero tax and it feels more luxury than any city I’ve been to. Absolutely not interested in moving to US or Europe.

    8. Hjaltlander9595 on

      Selling a house in the south of England then moving to the Mediterranean for retirement is almost a meme given how common it is.

      The average house in the south of England or London is worth about a million nowadays.

      Hence the huge number for the UK.

    9. Intelligent_Eating on

      Who cares. What is more important to is that people are having babies. This gen z cohort in western countries seem unable to do this but why

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