Warren Buffett’s Apple stock dump was so big, it will force massive buying as funds rebalance


    Posted by zeik_the_streak


    1. Intelligent-Bite1026 on

      Wouldn’t everyone love to know what he’s going to do next with the cash!

    2. Does no one remember when Buffet sold 13 percent of his Apple stock back in May when the stock was 170 per share? Seems bullish.

    3. P_BatemanPhonkMix on

      I found out Warren buffet is dumping $200B into HIMS. It will compete with Amazon and sell primarily dick pills and horse steroids.

    4. istockusername on

      Correct me if I’m wrong but Birkshire is only reporting the sale now, the actual sale could have already taken place weeks ago?

    5. Conscious-Group on

      Ultimate boomer, all the wealth imaginable with no plan. I swear, dude his death will crash the market.

    6. Livingonvideo-noot on

      This assumes the shares berkshire held are not ‘free float’. Can someone point me to information where this is confirmed?

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