Jim Cramer on AMD: “I wish I could buy more”


    Posted by capacity04


    1. Any_Influence_8305 on

      One of my largest positions. My first black swan event, fuck you Jim ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)

    2. AsleepQuantity8162 on

      Uh….you have a ton of money and nobody is stopping you to buy more. So if you wanted to, surely, you can buy more.

    3. Judging by the history of the stocks, Nvidia will always grow more than AMD. AMD earnings show growing net profit and income, Nvidia still grows more than AMD’s stock, thanks to the good news. You’re literally cucking yourself buying AMD.

    4. CryptosianTraveler on

      Here’s one I haven’t used in so long…. ROTFLMAO@ These comments. Nobody likes “The Mush” from the Lollipop Guild. Put’em in the bathroom!

    5. I run AMD in all my equipment and have for at least 5-8yrs. Won’t ever buy Intel chips for my computing needs – AMD watt for watt and number of processor cores the comparison just isn’t there anymore. AMD won.

      I wonder if Jim Cramer can claim he runs AMD. Eating your dogfood, so to speak.

    6. Jamesonbondage on

      So perhaps there is some notion of truth to the sinkclose vulnerability? Big big yikes.

    7. All_the_miles753 on

      Half of the comments here are joking and the other half doesn’t understand that it’s a joke. AMD is a good company and even Cramer has been right from time to time. If inverse Cramer was foolproof then nearly everyone in this sub would be rich

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