Closed on 8/8 after screenshotting (the golden rule), posting now bc I was in banbet jail

    Shoutout to this DD post which flagged the play right before earnings, more coherent than 99% of the garbage I read on here

    Between that post’s reasons and seeing how Celsius (which has taken market share away from Monster) crushed earnings and still puked hard, figured it’d make for a decent lil gamble.

    Thanks for playing!

    Posted by ilovethewayyousmile


    1. I bought calls from another DD that mentioned LatAm/Australia growth and their wide range of brands and new acquisition. Didn’t look at any numbers though and it’s true earnings are being punished hard this month.

      Short HIMS INTC for post-earnings trend, any other plays you’re looking at?

    2. Particular-Plane-984 on

      Is Monster that green piss that they invented after stealing the idea from Futurama??

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