No pun intended but this will not take long. Please accept this simple DD on why you should be longing NVDA leading up to earnings.

    1) There seems to be no end in sight with Jensen’s ability to juice earnings releases. Is it the leather jacket? No. Well we don’t know for sure, but the last six ERs have resulted in an average reaction of roughly +8.5%. Isn’t that what Buffet earns on an annual basis?

    2) Look at the chart. I’m not usually one for technical analysis, but it’s quite clear reviewing the chart on my Apple iPhone’s stocks app that we’ve reached the bottom of this selloff. Image attached for your reference.

    3) The delay in Blackwell chip rollout is not a big deal if it’s even real. Jensen has been clear that demand for Hopper still exceeds supply. Someone did the math previously, but any impact of a 3 month delay is mitigated by the fact that they’ll simply sell more H200. Just Google “Blackwell delay” and you’ll see lots of articles on sites you’ve never heard of confirming the same.

    1. Nancy Pelosi is still buying. She’s probably already seen the AGI locked in Sam’s basement. Don’t forget, this entire AI wave was kicked off by ChatGPT. That’s just the very tip of the AI iceberg that’s about to change the course of humanity’s future. Any upcoming product releases from the big players in this space are only going to reignite excitement for this technology and thusly shares of NVDA.

    My position: Very sensible 9/20 $100 and 12/20 $110 strike calls, shares. Not financial advice. Thank you for reading.

    Posted by NotBanksy69


    1. goldenefreeti on

      It’s such an obvious play that it makes me suspicious. Near every time I’ve been 100% confident in an outcome, such as here, something else happens.

    2. Options play is very tricky imo. The AI sentiment is not as strong as prev. I am holding shares avg 105.

    3. ShittyStockPicker on

      Gods I can’t fucking wait for futures to open today. I fucking hate Friday afternoons. Open the god damn casino already!

    4. It’s funny how we’re at the point that both bulls and bears have to convince others to be confident ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    5. wealthallocator on

      Hey, thanks for this, it seems that the yellow crayon indicates a growth of +160%, so could you please incline the yellow crayon a bit higher? – I’m targeting a +190% return. Thanks!!

    6. The fact so many are bullish going into earnings leads me to believe it’s tanking after earnings report.

    7. But, but, another person just posted that puts and shorting was the play for NVDA. My heavens what shall I do!?!?!

    8. So you are gambling that they will beat greatly and that it will rocket the price. So you are gambling and that’s your argument? I’m not going to even start about that random line you were able to draw. That means nothing.

    9. I like how you numbered your reasons 1, 2, 3, and 1. With the second 1 being Nancy Pelosi buying. That’s really the best reason of all. Nancy doesn’t lose on NVDA

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