Intel guy gets inducted into the WSB Hall of Fame

    Posted by yolocallking


    1. ilovethewayyousmile on

      All Hail King Regard, First of His Name, YOLOer of Nana’s Nest Egg, Lord of the Eternal Bagholders ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)

    2. Wallacemorris on

      Sure he lost money. His legacy is going to live on for years to come, that’s priceless

    3. Easy-Tangerine3293 on

      What about the guy with 1.4M calls a week later the nana guy? What hapoened to him?

    4. MagNolYa-Ralf on

      He’s in good company all things considered. Elon Rubyboy, DFV, Guh, and Shrekli now him. Ahould be honored imo lol

    5. Just can’t help but laugh hard from all of this. What a perfect timing to go all in on Intel stock. Just buy the goddamn Nvidia like everybody else. Some people were born regards.

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