Went to hard on daddy's Ira and lost it using nvda, gld, meta, and tsla calls and puts. The top was 15k. Fun ride.


    Posted by ZigZag8th


    1. If it makes you feel better, if your dad’s IRA was only $15k at the start then he was never going to be able to retire anyway.

    2. Don’t tell your dad just try to convince him to get his friends involved then you can lose their money too

    3. Green-Helicopter5500 on


    4. At least it was only $15,000 and not $150,000. If I lost my dad’s IRA, he would definitely kill me

    5. GreatsquareofPegasus on

      There’s no amount of CPR that’s gonna bring that back my man. Hope it fits in the coffin

    6. kingofthelost on

      This is the reason he brought you onto this earth, to be a fully fledged regard ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)

    7. Go look at a random SPAC’s graph, the similarity is remarkable. This one starts at $10k instead of $10, so it must’ve been a SPAC that reverse splitted 1 to 1000.

    8. Putrid_Pollution3455 on

      Hopefully this is one he just opened up and can replenish every year. Next time 30% GLD buy and hold and only yolo the dividend 😜

      Then pick your random shit with the other 70%

    9. Basically the same like going to slot machines. At least it was not very much money. Learn from it and stay away from gambling If you dont have too much money

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