Who’s regarded grandma is scared? SPY 600 by Friday, NVDA 200 by Friday, Apple 300 by Friday, ASTS 100 by Friday!

    Only thing that drops prices is regarded bears. Idgaf about unemployment rates im Fuckk employed. Put ur damn life savings into the market and quit being regarded puskys.


    Posted by CertainKey526


    1. desperate-pleasures on

      It appears that you have neglected to post your positions and/or banbet. You silly goose. Looking forward to seeing them!

    2. Scavwithaslick on

      Extreme fear is what I like to see. It makes monday a lot more interesting. Markets are usually really boring, these past months have been a lot of fun

    3. Time_Button_4930 on

      Everyone might be fearful, but just not seeing anyone ‘selling’. Fear + selling = bottom.

    4. I mean what kind of fear though? Like you used a k-mart bathroom kind of fear or will this Taco Bell burrito blow out my anus kind of fear?

    5. JPMorgansStache on

      The real relationship between fear & greed us more complex than a guage. That makes it seem like fear is a lower form of greed, like a speed. But isn’t FOMO the intersection of fear & greed when it comes to the stock market? I get it, what they’re doing with this index, but somebody should make a more accurate depiction.

    6. Forsaken-Feeling-415 on

      Only thing that worries me is the Iran shit. It can be any second they choose to attack. It’s already been a bit. I feel like it’s gonna happen soon then the market will tank again for a week

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