Some stocks (like Costco) are lit up as though they’re trading, but the price never changes. I can’t tell what this means for any transactions during this time.

    Posted by dillyknox


    1. The Blue Ocean Alternative Trading System (BOATS) is an execution venue that Robinhood uses for its 24-hour trading service, allowing users to trade stocks outside of traditional market hours. However, recently there have been issues with this service.

      On August 5th and 6th, 2024, Robinhood had to suspend its 24-hour trading service due to problems with Blue Ocean ATS. This suspension happened during a period of significant global market volatility, which included a major downturn in Japan’s Nikkei index. During the suspension, users were unable to execute trades between midnight and 8:00 AM UTC, although they could cancel orders or place new ones for later sessions.

      This suspension led to significant user frustration, with many expressing concerns over the legality and transparency of the trading halt. Some users reported that trades executed before the suspension were later canceled, leading to potential losses, particularly in volatile stocks like Nvidia, which saw significant price movements during this period.

      The issue highlights the challenges and risks associated with extended-hours trading, especially during times of market instability. BOATS implements risk controls similar to public exchanges, such as limiting extreme price movements, but the recent events have raised concerns about the reliability of these systems during turbulent market conditions.

      For more detailed information, you might want to check sources like TradingView and Cointelegraph, which have covered these developments extensively [oai_citation:1,Robinhood suspends 24-hour trades for 8 hours]( [oai_citation:2,Robinhood suspends 24-hour trades for 8 hours — TradingView News]( [oai_citation:3,Robinhood Halts 24-Hour Trading Amid Volatility, X Community Furious | BanklessTimes](

    2. SituationHappy on

      Not sure I’d still trade RH if they close the market every time something happens, but that might just be me.

    3. That’s because you use Robin Hood and you still don’t understand after everything that happened. It’s true that their UI is very good and they have interesting ideas… but so do the others. Blue Ocean has liquidity problems and closed almost all post-market transitions, at least that’s what they say. Blue Ocean is technically owned by Black Rock… and this happened during times of extreme volatility, just like it always happens. Robin Hood is a classic in this. Everything bad that happens to them, they deserve it…

    4. A quick Google search would explain what the problem is/ was.

      But because you degenerates are so fkn lazy…

      Blue ocean has suspended overnight trading for almost everything, except a few etf’s. Until I believe Aug 16th. They are doing so to upgrade their systems after the debacle that was last week’s downturn.

      It’s not robinhoods fault it’s only on blue ocean and they are trying to upgrade. Why it takes so long couldn’t tell ya. Hope that helps. Relax the casino will open bright and early in the morning for you.

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