I just recently started learning options and saw how many posts were made about the market going down and news articles hyping up a crash so I put the last bit of my account into dell puts for 3 weeks out and ended up with some nice profit (18 and working so not the end of the world if a become a regard in the next few weeks😅👍)


    Posted by XIlIJason


    1. AdventurousCowMooo on

      Damn I’m 18 too. Started 3 weeks ago with $1000 and raised it to $2400 last Friday. Lost about $1300 on SMCI Calls today like a regard. What are your trading strategies tho?

    2. Justbecauseitsoverdoesntmeanitsreallyover

      Alex’s play “Really Over” by Katy Perry.

      It’s my trading anthem.

    3. Well done! That’s a great profit.

      A lot of people here will hate or keep churning you on to make riskier decisions. 3k is a great starting balance to your long term portfolio. I know you didn’t ask for advice but from someone who has been there and lost it all came back and lost it all again… please put say 75% in shares/s&p 500 and play with the rest.

      Wish you all the best

    4. Well done. And be careful bro. Its always dangerous, when trades go well. Don’t underestimate the risk of losing all.

      Enjoy your cash. Your 18 and you can do a lot of stuff with it 😉 maybe not all of it.

    5. Why does it always feel like that last trade always saves you before you end up there again in a few months? Damn man

      Hope you can get over the hump

    6. relaxwhyyousoangry on

      Good for others to see. May down, but you aint out! Not until it’s all zeros, and maybe not even then!

    7. ravenwingdarkao3 on

      now take out your initial investment so you’re playing with someone else’s money

    8. Longjumping-Week8761 on

      Become ??? You’re here buddy… You’re a regard .. welcome .. say hi to Intel Nana

    9. Separate-Soft4900 on

      It is a mathematical certainty that given enough trials, rare events will happen. Take your winnings and leave the casino.

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