Stock Market Cheat Sheet

    Posted by Slick_MF_iG


    1. throwaway_0x90 on

      You flared this as a meme, but if it’s really been backtested with that high accuracy then this is DD ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)

    2. I’ll test this with a small amount of money and if it goes down the drain it’s me being regarded.

    3. Various-Ducks on

      Guarantee if I use this it’ll be a 2.61% day

      How much of a gain/loss does it have to be to be considered green/red and not crab?

    4. LethargicBatOnRoof on

      Yes, the movement of the stock market can be predicted with 97% chance of accuracy based on only 2 factors.

      None of the people spending hundreds of millions trying to develop complex algorithms that fail ever thought of this.

      You are 102% regarded with a 2% margin of error.

    5. Astronaut-Proof on

      You can backtest this shit to 1929 if you want but if I buy SPY ITM calls on a “Green Tomorrow” day, the market will take a shit.

      If only there was a way to inverse myself post facto.

    6. Can I see the data and formula used? 97.39% accurate. I would like to test it out. 😃

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