
    Posted by CriteriaMadness34


    1. Appropriate_Line_224 on

      i got 5k in at 100.3, want to buy more but hoping it drops a little bit again

    2. This hurts on a personal level as $134.93 is exactly what I paid for 8k Nvidia shares…

    3. stonk_monk42069 on

      We haven’t evolved that far from the monkeys, even though most people like to think so of themselves.

    4. My broker wouldnt let me login to buy it when it drop to $90 ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421) I bought some at $101 though ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)

    5. Electrical-Spirit-63 on

      Dunno I tell my wife to pump her money into SPY. I pump money into cocaine.

    6. ViolentMagician_ on

      I bought 1 single share in 2016 and now I have 40. I’m not touching what I have! Just gonna let it sit 🤣

    7. Thin-Fudge-1809 on

      The best way to accumulate is to cost average in over a long period of time. Have 5 to 10 year time horizons and you will always be a winner 🙂

    8. I bought nvda at 450, 700, and after split 130, 110, and 92 in crash day ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8883)

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