$SBUX fires CEO and replaces w $CMG CEO.


    Posted by toydan


    1. Dull_Broccoli1637 on

      Coffees are about to get smaller with more ice ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)

      Puts ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)

    2. I am still baffled how the last CEO got hired in the first place. LOL SBUX +14% Pre Market

    3. Entire_Living3325 on

      SBUX is up thanks to the CEO change. From my experience with Tamap, consider entering near support levels and exiting near resistance or if the stock seems overbought.

    4. Good move, Narasimhan was positioning Starbucks to compete with Dunkin Donuts. Down graded their sitting areas with uncomfortable seating in an effort to get customers to buy their drinks and get out. What made Starbucks great was the fact you could sit down, relax hang out and come coffee. it wasn’t a fast food place, it was a place to hang out.

      The best way I can put it. Starbucks is the Michael Kors of coffee shops. It’s what poor people think is fancy so they take pictures thinking they have something luxurious. When in reality it is on par with Target branded accessories. Maintaining that illusion is the key to their profitability not trying to compete with brands the public views as lesser than.

    5. Shit coffee overpriced muffins, breakfast drinks that are 1000 calories and Norah jones cds. Have never even understood why they are a viable business

    6. Abysswalker794 on

      Great news for SBUX, one issue less. Now LULU please find a new product officer, to get your shit together again. And to save my fucking portfolio.

    7. Redditfortheloss on

      Shorting chipotle when they announced stock split was one of my best trades to date. Fuck them.

    8. I stopped buying my java from SBUX a few months back and started buying it from the gas station.

      I may have to step over a few regards that live behind the store, but the coffee is better and 1/3 the price.


    9. On top of the news as always, hope you are doing good dude.

      Glad i sold my CMG calls last week, may be rebuying them today. Dude is a great CEO

    10. autismovaccination on

      I’m sure his experience selling overpriced guacamole and burritos will translate well to the China market which is currently their biggest problem.

    11. The loyalty that sbux once commanded is gone. It doesn’t matter who they CEO is. Sbux is dead money for any long term investment. The company has no ideas other than to keep replacing CEOs.

    12. Lucky day, My Aug 16 $85 call bought month ago down to 3cents yesterday, went up to $9 today

    13. I used to get Starbucks every morning, despite having $1200 super automatic espresso machines at my house and office. Then several price increases happened on top of their rewards system getting worse, so out of principle I greatly reduced my visits.. My city of 150k has 5 Starbucks in a 7-8 mile radius. They are still packed every morning and every lunch. They aren’t going away and the demand is still there.

    14. Massive-Meringue1437 on

      Yall crazy for sbux bump today. Too much evaluation for sugar syrup ![img](emote|t5_2th52|18630)

    15. SBUX was way too depressed . Something was going to move it 🙂

      Todays a good day ☺️

    16. Starbucks isn’t changing course on their comments which started boycotts, they aren’t lowering prices or doing anything to bring in new custoemrs, and Chipotle is well-known to be oriented around bringing value to the consumer and showing the importance of Customer Service

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