1. quuxquxbazbarfoo on

      My naked puts 2 weeks ago be like:F YOU, YOU GET ASSIGNED
      My covered calls this week be like:F YOU, YOU GET ASSIGNED

      I be like:F ME, I’M REGARDED

    2. Then-Wealth-1481 on

      When the market dips it never consolidates in the bottom and stay flat for a while. Every dip triggers an immediate and aggressive V shaped pump.

    3. ManyCommunications on

      It’s pretty clear that it’s not a dead cat bounce. You regarded for having puts

    4. Queasy-Currency-5480 on

      Nothing but +5% days ahead boys the worst is truly behind us ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)

    5. i hedged yesterday and regretted it. i swear to god if i should’ve hedged today …

    6. RevolutionaryPhoto24 on

      Honestly, I dunno. Hopefully selling some SPY 545c, or if red, trying my first SPX trade. Managing the mess with of contracts I hold as I wilt. Buying TLT and maybe a bit more UVXY for a hedge. Also, a few shares of whatever is down. (Hm. I kinda do know.)

    7. APointAndALine on

      On days like this just ride the Chad bull wave. Being bear-curious just means losing profit and getting wrecked.

      A lot of dumbos are going to short on a cold CPI print tomorrow, even when the market is screaming buy at the top of its lungs

    8. Other_Date_5350 on

      Lost 10k today on puts so tomorrow I’ll do calls and the entire market will decide to bomb or do nothign

    9. #Ban Bet Lost

      /u/sweddit made a bet that TSLA would go to 195.0 within **16 hours** when it was 197.725 and it did not, so they were banned for a week.

      Their record is now 1 wins and 3 losses

      [**Join WSB Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse)

    10. Infinite-Chocolate46 on

      So how does the new SBUX CEO plan on handling competition against local chains in China?

    11. RevolutionaryPhoto24 on

      Also, watchful waiting on NVDA and ASTS. Maybe BTC some contracts and roll others. Also play with MSTR a bit more, maybe (S/BTO, depending.)

      And returning my broker’s phone call. (It isn’t Marge.)

    12. Only need nvda to run up 28% to break even by earnings. I’m sure itll be fine ![img](emote|t5_2th52|18630)

    13. My SBUX puts ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)

      Starbucks better challenger itself by Friday

    14. Chipotle CEO -> **Chip**otle -> Chips -> AI -> Starbucks green af

      makes sense. kill me and my puts.

    15. RevolutionaryPhoto24 on

      Sold a 50p on CMG. May get assigned. Need to figure that out (IV doesn’t look as great as it did when I sold the CSP.)

    16. Many-Mess3899 on

      CVNA CEO liquidated over 200m shares in the past few months and the stock is still mooning wtf

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