Bears are in shambles right now

    Posted by noonewilltakemealive


    1. ArcticStorm16 on

      The guy who stayed away from SBUX because fair price is 45 Dollars according to his analysis

    2. Holy fuck, I haven’t heard that phrase since 2009 when my boss was telling me putting every dime I could in the market was dumb since “it was a dead cat bounce” and was going to still drop like a rock. I didn’t care either way but I was happy to see he was full of shit.

    3. relaxwhyyousoangry on

      These idiot bers are so fuk. Only thing I am wondering is if we get a sell the news event after this run up last two days. Which would be ok cause I want to buy more and rub it in ber face.

    4. PoopParticleAcclrtr on

      Chasing to the downside is asking to get eviscerated. Go take a look at the daily sticks in 2022, there was a bounce where we didn’t have a red day for like 3 weeks straight.

    5. Just DCA when you see dip. Timing the top or bottom is a fools errand.

      I managed to buy 3K Reddit at 52 USD and 1.2k AMD at 132 USD. I didn’t use all the money I had available and can keep buying at lower levels if it should dead cat bounce. Try to play a bit on both sides of the net.

    6. Left_Experience_9857 on

      This dead cat must have died from eating too many bouncy balls or something.

    7. Hey! I’m in this picture and I don’t like it! My lawyer will be contacting you promptly

    8. fairlyaveragetrader on

      When you run the statistics on bearish bets and bullish bets, Tom lee starts making a lot more sense

    9. Because 99.999% of stocks not even being back to their 2021 peak was totally not a bear market recession for 2 years. Pull your head out of your ass.

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