Higher risk=higher reward. Thanks Starbucks your coffee is still trash tho


    Posted by Adichu3690


    1. de_la_basement on

      You degenerate gambler stop acting like you have wisdom about risk management. You gambled and won.

    2. Where are the people with Starbucks puts? If this guy was 60% down, some of them must have been up and looking forward to the day after earnings

    3. Runningman2319 on

      Congrats! And fuck you.

      And fuck me because I almost bought 10 contracts the other day. I chose not to. Fuck.

      But congrats to you. Wish we were partying together.

    4. 🏋️🏋️🏋️🐇 fucking kudos brother. Love to see this honestly. Some real black magic fuckery. I’m too scared to run options

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