Hello, fellow degenerates. I’ve been in the advertising trenches for over 8 years, spanning everything from Google Ads to Snapchat, but Facebook Ads is in a league of its own—for all the wrong reasons.

    Here’s a quick rundown of the dumpster fire:

    Targeting is Broken: Facebook used to be the gold standard for precise targeting, but now it’s like throwing darts blindfolded. Audiences are getting all mixed up, and the platform seems to have no clue who to show my ads to anymore.

    Performance is Down the Drain: ROAS (Return on Ad Spend) is in free fall. I’m seeing campaigns that used to crush it now barely breaking even. Engagement? Non-existent. It feels like I’m setting money on fire.

    Crazy Costs: CPC (Cost Per Click) and CPM (Cost Per Thousand Impressions) have skyrocketed for no good reason. Facebook acts like they’re worth a premium, but the results just don’t justify it. I’ve had more success with random billboard ads than this.

    Attribution Nightmare: Facebook’s reporting is a mess. The numbers don’t add up, and the conversion tracking is about as reliable as a used car salesman. I’ve had to rely on third-party tools just to get a sense of what’s actually happening.

    Support? What Support? Trying to get help from Facebook is like shouting into the void. The automated responses are useless, and good luck getting a real person to address any issues.

    Platform Glitches: Ad approvals taking forever, random disapprovals with no clear reason, and worst of all—ads just not delivering. It’s like Facebook’s backend is held together with duct tape and wishful thinking.

    Facebook Ads has gone from a money printer to a money pit. I’m ready to move my budget to literally anywhere else at this point. Anyone else feeling like Zuck’s just trolling us for fun, or is it just me?

    Facebook Ads is a Dumpster Fire—8+ Years in Advertising, and I’ve Never Seen It This Bad
    byu/jollygreengiantwoman inwallstreetbets

    Posted by jollygreengiantwoman


    1. Dead on about the support, it’s non existent something goes wrong? need something fixed? No help. Even after I found out how to message them directly no response back. That will catch up

    2. Healthysinner34 on

      None of this is new. Did you just login for the first time since apple fucked the ads game?

    3. Are you the guy who posted he spends $4M on facebook ads last year and was going short on META cause of the data from that? I almost followed that DD, glad some other regard jumped in and countered the DD and yolod into META; convinced me to stay out. META ripped after last earnings; I learned that day not to ever cuck the Zuck.

    4. One-Ambassador2759 on

      Just cause you aren’t making money on your ads doesn’t mean Facebook as a company will tank, it’s also trading fairly well valued. I know a few guys who spent 30 M over the past 12 months on meta and are still buying traffic for the e-commerce brand. There’s rlly nowhere else to go. Also the increase in cpc and cpm would be good for their earnings lol.

    5. GreekianianBeats on

      Meta is the largest media distributor on the planet and the cpc is high? Bullish af

    6. Facebook ads work on the uneducated and middle / poor class . Both of those groups are broke now .

      Switch to google or Amazon ads

    7. Apprehensive-Cat2527 on

      Advertised on facebook 2011-2016 with amazing results. I’ve made some tests regularly since then but it’s not worth spending money on. Working for a smaller company so I need to be an early adopter and then move on when the big guys start spending.

    8. on insta zucc is constantly trying to tell me about the relationship which I don’t have

    9. Kind of makes sense. You’ve been in advertising during the biggest period of growth part of which forces everyone to be home spending money. When times are tough, less buyers in the market place and advertisers have to spend more to reach their target. I learned that in the first marketing class I took at jr college.

    10. 8+ years in Facebook advertising here too. I disagree with everything you said other than the support part and the backend stuff . If you’re having issues it’s because you’re feeding Facebook shit data. If you give it nice clean, clear data it’s crazy efficient. If you can’t spend it’s cause you don’t have an audience, which is fine, there’s other channels. Prices are up because of political advertising.

    11. Their platform is fine. I make bank running ads on there. It’s the most user-friendly ads platform out there by a mile. Also, if you have an ads account, getting a hold of a rep is an instant process. I just messaged a rep with an issue earlier today. Within a minute we were chatting, within 5 minutes we were on the phone, and within 10 minutes I was sharing my screen on a web call to show him an issue I was having. The platform is solid, the company as a whole is strong.

    12. Someone posted one of these recently. He said their business had suffered because of shit ads. META mooned shortly after. Just saying.

    13. satirical_lover on

      Meta ads are cheap compared to Google.

      Stupid support but works. Targeting fuckup is quite painful but it applies for everyone, that strategy is to drive towards pixel, which will unlock bigger market eating Google ad revenues.

      Bugs yes horrible.

      Meta is quite useful. Period.

    14. Facebook just started lying and can never go back – the metrics they give wall street about daily active users is based on the total of app downloads and if the app is still installed and has been able to ping facebook once in the last 24 hours. SEC Was notified about this and did nothing, just buried it. Talk to the devs they will tell you.

    15. 3 billion users. People spend hours on their platform everyday. You will never find a better platform to advertise on. 

    16. One day Facebook suddenly decided I was obsessed with Clint Eastwood and Billie Eilish to the point that my feed was >50% fan pages for them. I don’t think I’d ever interacted with content for either of them online or given them any thought. It was bizarre.

    17. EuphoricWizard on

      Yet META is the strongest big tech and will be back above ATH in like a week while others are still 10-20% below

    18. Arent facebook CPMs like 5-20ish depending on product served?

      My company sells for 32…

    19. I don’t see many Facebook ads, but ads on Reddit are completely useless here in Norway at least.

      Also; RIP third party apps.

      I just keep seeing the same shitty ads all the time.
      Some of them are downright making me irritated, but there’s no way to hide them or report them. One company has an ad I’m pretty sure could cause epileptic seizures.

      And the other ones are so off the mark it is ridiculous. One company keeps advertising their front license plate holder for Rivian R1 vehicles that attach to a tow hook.

      Guess what? I can’t even buy a Rivian as they’re not sold here. The amount of money these companies waste on ads must be ridiculous.

      I’m not sure what’s more painful, all the reposts, or all the ad repeats. No, actually I do know. It’s just a figure of speech.

    20. Double_Trust6266 on

      I’ve given up on Facebook advertising. They’re targeting used to be so good but now all over the show, costs have soared. Used to get good value for money. I’ve gone back to google and do small amounts of advertising using instagram

    21. NotJimCramer69 on

      Facebook suspended my account before I could even make a single ad campaign. Can’t say I’m mad though, and yes it is actually impossible to reach someone directly at Facebook.

    22. I been getting ads for psychedelic mushrooms.

      When I put ads up all I get is Indian guys calling me telling me my account will be activated unless I send them giftcards.

      META calls.

    23. trymorecookies on

      I bet against Meta a couple years ago and learned my lesson. Facebook is where all the boomers are, and they love to click on ads and malware. No contest.

    24. It’s dumpster fire for sure but it’s an election year and it’s still the best ad spend out there. Picked up Facebook back at 100 a few years ago because regarded people were hating on the stock not realizing it’s a fucking cash cow

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