Fuck you Motley Fool, fuck you specifically. They’re definitely the worst culprit of this. Now it’s article after article about how much they love Nvidia and tech stocks and that it’s going to soar to $150 and etc.


    Posted by Commercial_Ease8053


    1. Any positive or negative move is going to draw an overreaction from traders and media outlets

    2. Thats just hip hop.

      But if you look at the yearly cycle of the market, this always happens. If markets high, say thats bad so they drop. Once they drop, buy. When you see headlines of “sector rotation”, wallstreet is dumping.

      You have a few options. Keep buying on the way down. Sell and go cash heavy and wait for a better entry.
      Buy leaps in either direction

    3. Plus_Seesaw2023 on

      From June to September, the market will just be FLAT.

      Go take some vacations and delete the trading app 🤌🤙👌

    4. RecommendationNo3531 on

      And in 2030, they’ll have an article saying “this is how much you would have made if you put in $10000 in NVIDIA back in 2024.

    5. The people saying the stock market was going to crash are the same people who sold everything at the lowest point of the “correction”.

    6. Potential-Bet-1111 on

      If the last three weeks don’t show you the game is rigged against you, nothing will.

    7. wandering_nerd65 on

      Market makers just spent 3 weeks scaring retail traders and trying to get in at a good price before earnings. Classic market manipulation

    8. DividedContinuity on

      The motley fool plays both sides for clicks, that’s their business model. They’ll say black is white one day, and white is black the next, casting the net as wide as possible.

      They’re little better than a magic 8 ball.

    9. It’s just that the bears know better than to try to talk sense to a bull on a day when the stock does well. It’s a waste of breath.

    10. No_Technician1870 on

      Have you not learned to pay attention to these sites? They were legit just trying to shake leafs off the tree and a bunch of people sold, I’m sure. I, on the other hand, was scooping up calls that are printing!

    11. I never gave up on being bullish and in love with NVDA 🤷🏼‍♂️

      Stocks experience pullbacks.

    12. I occasionally read Barron’s but I hate Motley Fool with a passion. They are truly useless.

    13. OPEN_THE_CASINO on



    14. After a 30% drop it looked attractive again but nobofy wanted to buy before the drop. Normal life.

    15. You should be bullish too and perhaps little gracious seeing as NVDA is holding up the Market.

    16. ArcticStorm16 on

      Anyone remembers Media pushing the narrative “All the money is being transferred from tech to small caps”?

    17. I see a motley fool article that’s “positive” I get out of buy outs when its using polarizing language.

    18. Bearish articles saying to “jump ship” on Nvidia and Huaweii selling chips just as good as Nvidia…

    19. Syab_of_Caltrops on


      I was buying, everybody should have been. Uner 100? What is this, 6 months ago?! ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    20. “The AI bubble is popping! Sell! Sell! Sell!” ~Fool. “These are sixteen AI stocks you should buy right now”~also the Fool, on the next banner

    21. What is their story? Why are they always the first content that cones up when googling a stock? Everything they been saying lately about nvidia felt so forced. Like they didn’t actually believe a word of it. Pure market manipulation.

    22. Don’t worry another 3 weeks then ppl say ai is over and then new bulls come join and repeat..

    23. You sure it’s the same guys? There are bears and bull for everything and whenever they’re right they get to the top of the algorithms, when they’re wrong they get buried.

      So it always looks like there’s people changing their minds rapidly but really it’s the spotlight that changes rapidly between people who are pretty much married to their positions.

    24. All of motley fool, Zacks, etc is just chat gpt generated garbage. Please don’t tell me u read it like actual DD

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