Firing Starbucks lacklustre Indian CEO just added 25% and over 30 billion dollars to Starbucks stock. All you have to do is wait till they get the boot and watch your money pile up. Adobe and Micron tech fit the bill, and Alphabet could follow if all of these court cases end badly for them.

    New strategy, buy struggling stocks with Indian CEO's
    byu/factsoverfeelings89 inwallstreetbets

    Posted by factsoverfeelings89


    1. Impossible_Put2026 on

      Bro this regard might be onto something![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)

    2. Out from jokes I started thinking about this but for Google. I really think that they have to do something otherwise they might become the INTC of the software.

    3. so what will happens when Microsoft fires Nadella? will it skyrocket to $5T market cap?

    4. Ah yes, the classic regard logic of “I will extrapolate a tiny sample set into a massive trend because my single brain cell fails to acknowledge that minorities aren’t one homogenous group that all act and think the same”.

      MFW peak regards start using racism as a stockpicking strategy. This sub is evolving, but backwards.

    5. That’s the kind of advice I’m here for. Invest only in companies that perform poorly. Brilliant.

    6. Indian CEO’s fired = Stock 📈

      Got it!

      Someone pile up all the Indian CEO’s here 💙

    7. You should see some of these C Suits in general. The ones employed for the soul purpose of gutting Americans on fte status on favor of “offshoring”.

    8. Yep just compare Shantanu of Adobe who is ceo for the past 18y and transformed Adobe in one of the most profitable and hated saas companies while increasing the stock price 50x with Laxman who was CEO of starbucks for 16 months

    9. Ill_Acanthisitta_289 on

      One was just ousted from Starbucks. Google’s is next in my opinion. The world is realising that mathematical prodigies with business bargaining skills aren’t exactly cut out to be CEOs of multinational corporations.

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