After losing 80% of my portfolio in the first few weeks, I wanted nothing else but to make it back. After many hours on the computer and working hard to make good calls, I finally reached breakeven, was drained and my mental health probably took a toll from all the stress. And then the next day I went all in on SPY calls. WORST DECISION EVER. It’s like I was against God. The crowd strike outage, the people of JAPANS doing some shit in their country etc etc.

    Please vote 1 or 2 for what my next plan of action should be:
    1- Walk away and never look at options again
    2- Fund this account after saving up and make it all back and more.

    Posted by Redsirr


    1. General_Tangelo_1032 on

      Here’s the translation for option 2 – Gamble some more and hope it works out

    2. Yeah, you sometimes need to learn that lesson.

      I did the same thing. Was down 60%, got back to break even, went back down 80% and now am finally up 10%.

      Definitely time to scale back on the risk after making that much money back

    3. WrappedInLinen on

      It’s interesting how a little apparent success can totally screw you. Been there, done that.

    4. Gonna have to do it again imo. If you’re good enough to fight back to even like that, then a new stack and some newfound DISCIPLINE should make you profitable. Maybe.

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