Whenever somebody asks me what I do all day in my mom’s basement


    Posted by Minus_none


    1. Fender_Stratoblaster on

      For fucks sake just let Tom Green pass into oblivion where he should have never rose out of. Stop dragging him out for regarded shit. WTF was Drew Barrymore thinking with this assclown?

    2. Beneficial-Chard6651 on

      Love this movie and Tom Green. Daddy would you like some sausage? Still gets me every time.

    3. Any_Influence_8305 on

      I snuck into this movie when I was a kid and watched a horse get jerked off, and now I’m here. And I turned out great ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)

    4. OpeningParamedic8592 on

      It’s strange that people don’t know the name of this classic! I hope more get to find out about it in the future! It’s a great work of American life!

      Speak up, I’m on my cellular telephone. I don’t care, Bob. You’re fucking fired. You’re fucking fired, Bob! Clean out your locker at the club. I’m talking about one million fucking Deutschmark here, Bob! I told you to wire the money to Geneva last week! I say Geneva, you hear Helsinki, huh Bob? One million fucking Deutschmark, Bob!

    5. I like the meme but I saw this for the first time on pluto tv the other day and I honestly couldnt finish it, most of the humor was just really cringe and immature but like annoying 12 year old immature, maybe I missed something

    6. Ha! I was just watching this a couple days ago. His short and repetitive way of talking really reminds me of a certain political figure

    7. Tom Green always pushed boundaries. There’s nobody that guy didn’t manage to piss off somehow, and I’m here for it.

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