After 3 years of trading, 3 months ago I was at my lowest point, down 10k. I then had a good run where I got all the way back to +2k in the green. A 12k run in 3 months trading mainly weekly puts/calls on spy and tech. I also got in on the game squeeze with shares and sold before it tanked.

    The past two days though I went full tilt and kept doubling down on spy puts and was trading completely emotionally, basically what gamblers have always called 'chasing'.

    I'm now down -4k. I lost 6k in 2 days. I'm still up significantly from my lowest point but it still feels like a huge blow. I know I should take a break from the market for a bit but it's hard to make yourself walk away. You want to get back what you've lost as quick as possible, which obviously can lead to wrecking your port.

    What's your irrational trading or revenge trading story ?

    What's your 'revenge trading' story where you blew up your account? Most of us have one (or multiple)
    byu/musicguy900 inwallstreetbets

    Posted by musicguy900


    1. SPX is the crack cocaine of cockiness and revenge trades – one must not be allowed to trade SPX unless they’ve attained Zen Buddhist enlightenment and mastery of emotion hahah

    2. I can’t take credit for this. But I swear it’s true.

      My buddy started trading TSLA options mid 2020, while the market was pumping. He made $70k in one month. He was looking at properties and retirement, as we all did our first time hitting big on an option. He lost $32k in a month. And right before Tesla’s battery day, my buddy bought $32k of 1DTE call options. TSLA tanked, and my buddy literally let them run to $0.

    3. I engage in a company stock purchase program. They pool cash from my pay check and purchase every quarter at a 5% discount. Well..the company I work for has ..some issues..and even the 5% discount is good for an immediate loss at next opening.

      Earlier this year I got tired of watching my hard earned money be flushed away with company I sold 100% of that crap and purchased four tickers that made immediate gains. One was several shares of NVDA pre highs and split. What a GREAT move! Now the day after my company stocks hit..gone. Lol

      I recently moved my contribution back to 0%. Since I already contribute to my own stock account and a 401K.

    4. WillingMaintenance86 on

      August 31st 2020. I still remember it vividly. AMD just had earnings and Tesla was just going up, felt like I couldn’t lose. I was sitting in the parking lot during my break and everything started to drop and I held. I thought it had to go up soon. It didn’t…..

    5. Look at a lifetime chart of Facebook stock.  See where it was at its lowest ever back in 2013?  I went full regard, went all-in on Facebook puts very publicly here on WSB, and of course lost everything.  

      Fucking moron I was 

    6. I never stopped chasing my losses and eventually got back to break even, don’t be like me.

    7. I started trading options in Q3 of last year. I went to play earnings on wal mart and bought calls, wal mart is an instituion after all. I even bought very ITM calls to “be safe” and lost $900 next morning when wal mart missed and crashed 15%. Target’s earnings happened 2 weeks later, I supposed retail was in a bad spot so I bought puts for target earnings. Fucking thing went up 18%

    8. Once upon a time I found a full proof strategy to riches (an oldie but goodie) If spy opened in the red I bought calls, green I bought puts, ATM odte of course. I’d sell when I was up around 25%. This worked so well. One day in my confidence I wagered basically all my “winnings” of the previous 6 months on calls when it opened red, instead of doing a stop loss of 40% I threw more money on 0dte calls as my original ones became worthless. -45k+ on that day. I learned

    9. InevitableRadio562 on

      I lost 30k on PayPal stock. I revenge traded 30k more into FRC after the crash and ended up down 60k

    10. ManyCommunications on

      Made 180k on Dell this May. The month of May alone I made over 200k. Decided to put 107k on calls the day of ER for Dell ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    11. Powerful-Injury5793 on

      Boeing. Was holding big, then that door blast blowout. Thought it was isolated issue. I doubled down rather than take the big L, and that was around 200. Sold at $180, but still feel it in my teeth like tin foil

    12. Lazy-Gene-7284 on

      January 2009, I was CERTAIN the worst was over and we were ready to go back up. Invested almost every day and watched it go down…every.single….day. Felt like for 2 plus months in a row, bought on margin with what I had left and kept firing . Got down to 6-7,000 from about 150 k with the margin , was ready to crawl under the desk by mid March before it finally turned.

    13. Had $1k on solana. Bought at $15 last year. That was on voyager before they went down. Rip my little savings.

    14. Organic-Lobster-6603 on

      Recent. heard about people making bank due to CRWD so F it 5k into some puts boom company goes back

    15. Caught the TSLA run last summer, 7.5k to 198k in 3 weeks. Blew it all back to 0 in a month trying to turn it into a mil🥲 Should’ve kept 100k

    16. I wasn’t trading, but I was down about 250k in my portfolio in March 2020. Huge hit and I just rode it out and it came back. But losing half my net worth and my first experience with a major crash was devastating. Everyone says it will always come back but you never know how long and it’s still painful to watch when you have a lot to lose. But I’m mentally prepared for it again after experiencing something like this once.

    17. leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee on

      Bought Tesla 0 DTEs on a Friday several years ago. Tesla was on a pretty big dip and I figure it would do a small bounce. Kept averaging down on calls. EOD I was down 500k+ because I was too stubborn to sell at a loss/hedge with some puts.

      Turns out that same Friday, Elon dumped a bunch of his shares

    18. blew up my account trying to find the bottom in 2020. Lost 10k in profits and 15k in basis. Last time I was or ever will be a gay bear or a doomer.

    19. This sounds like my experience with slot machines in Vegas. I did get to hear happy music as the machine took all of my money in 4 hours.

    20. Bulky_Negotiation850 on

      The one thing dudes do a lot of including me in my previous life is..

      Thinking I have to make it back where I lost it.

      Lose it on PYPL… make it back on PYPL.

      Don’t have to do this Peeps.

    21. Dude, this isn’t for you, or for almost anyone. You’re searching for good news stories to give yourself hope, but facts is facts, this isn’t trading, it’s gambling against a stacked deck. Almost all traders lose money in the end and you are showing all the behaviours which will put you in the 99% and not the 1%. Best to walk away now before you lose all your money.

    22. I bought into a company called Genta back in the mid 2000’s. The stock was ~10cents. I spent $30k on it because clinical trials were due for a new product. When the results came out, the drug failed. Then the CEO wanted a ‘redo’ on the tests and was denied. I lost it all.

    23. militaryman1980 on

      The market was pumping in 2020 I got in for the first time. Bought in for 1500 and by the end of the year I was at $41,000. In the next two years I lost it all. Every cent. Been scared to get back in ever since.

    24. Lost $80k on NOK calls, took a 6 month break, put $200k on TSLA monthly calls for 2019 Q1 (this is after Elons delivery campaign, all his juicy updates on twitter, thanking everyone for making deliveries possible, with Tesla semi helping as well). Well they shit the bed (down 10%, my options down 90%) then I put the $20k remaining and another $80k, which was the rest of account, into 1DTE SPY hoping to 2x or 3x to get some relief. Stepped away for 2 hours and came back completely murdered. I’ve slowly rebuilt back to $600k but yeah never touching monthly or dailies, only 6 months and out. Way less stress

    25. Impossible-Affect202 on

      Bought about 70k worth of CVNA at 100 than it went to 4. So I said F it and put another 60k at 8 and still holding .

    26. I continued to double down on NVDA puts during its run up this year from late May- mid June before the split (so contracts were $2-3k each).

      I ended up losing over $40k. I had just started trading options and felt good after my first win (which we all know is free).

      I learned my lesson hard from that. I moved some money out of my Schwab account into RH and only use that for options now lol. I think the large sum I had in one account skewed my perception of the value of money, and having only a small amount to gamble with in RH has been great for risk management and I’ve been steadily rebuilding the Schwab account with only equities.

      I also learned not to be a 🌈🐻

    27. Was on that gain train mid June with NVDA calls, then started losing some trades… decided I’d wait for earnings to hop back in, but nope! Jumped right on TSLA calls for earnings day and wiped my whole TFSA. 🙂 Gonna stick to ETF’s for now.

    28. During Covid I went in pretty hard in ARKK. I was up probably 70%. I put in 30k of my own money. And it just keep going down and I kept buying, because I had so much trust in her philosophy. Her funds just seem transparent and I thought I couldn’t loose investing in “disruptive technologies”. I’m still bag holding to this day. She hasn’t even been able to recover after the big AI rally.

      Cathy fucking woods.

      The biggest wealth destroyer of our generation.

    29. OrdinaryReasonable63 on

      I lost around 2K on $CMG a couple months back, but I got my revenge by completely nuking one of their bathrooms last week. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)

    30. Putrid_Pollution3455 on

      After I got divorced I enabled options trading and through sheer grace and paper hands I avoided financial Armageddon holding FRC calls; up a tiny bit, realized I was regarded, sold and the ship sank into the abyss. Got incredibly lucky. From there I proceeded to keep my portfolio perfectly sideways when I would have been up 30% sitting in index funds. 😔 it’s been a wild ride. Kind of woke up today, realizing how much I’d have if I just let investing be excruciatingly boring.

    31. silverstar297 on

      Day 1: up 9k
      Day 2: up 24k
      Day 3: down 64k – revenge trading after 24k gain broke even and haven’t day traded since

    32. It start off $400 AMD 0dte calls, then 1k 0dte AMD calls, and finally 40k AMD 0dte calls. I couldn’t think and everything was spinning. That day I lose 17k and had to walk to my car in the middle of work to gather myself.

    33. Thanks for this post. It’s such a good read and will definitely keep me away from trading/gambling. Thanks all for sharing your stories.

    34. Separate-Fisherman on

      If you’ve blown up your account multiple times from revenge trading you should give your mom back her credit card

    35. Agitated_Product_404 on

      Crypto back in early 2022, kept doubling down. Every time it dropped I would throw more in. Luckily I held and added slowly to eth on the way back up. Was red in crypto for nearly 2 years. Sold my 4 eth back in Feb this year for a small gain. The hardest $1,500 profit I’ve ever made. Took me 2 years

    36. I used to rage trade almost daily… Robinhood’s UI is really intriguing, whenever u lose the whole UI becomes red, and the lines look really bad, which would trigger me to rage trade to try to get it back to green, making bets that I know were wrong. I wouldn’t blow up the account in one day but it’s slow bleeding every day

    37. Lazy-Unit-1093 on

      Had a huge run up in 2020 when I first started trading options. Went from 40K to 350k in 6 weeks. Lost 100K on Tesla in one day. Had like 150-200K in stocks at that point. Sold it, put it all on options and lost it all in one day.

    38. topCApitalgain on

      Heavily shorting $SPY in October 2022, I timed the bottom perfectly and lost $5k my biggest single trade loss

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