Why NVDA will again hit $140+ right after earnings is because it has been ordering chips heavily that has supplier companies such as TSMC increase revenue by 44% YOY even when nvidia is trying to diversify its supply chain. NVDA is actually also lagging a bit to fulfill demand so it is not like it is stockpiling. This is basic math that cannot be negated when looking at NVDA. Economy can go down the drain but NVDA is gonna hit this out the park this earnings.

    PS: Holding NVDA $117 calls expiring Aug 30.


    Posted by notyourregularninja


    1. You like NVDA because you are holding NVDA calls. I like NVDA because I am also holding NVDA calls. My cat likes NVDA because I like NVDA. I don’t know about my Grandma because she is not here anymore.

    2. Forward_Frame5813 on

      NVDA is already overpriced. Unless they consistebtly grow 20% a year for 5 years straight, which lets face it, is next to impossible. Whatever the earninfs is, it is the definition of a meme stock.

    3. Oregonmushroomhunt on

      TSMC is making chips for intel’s lunar lake. Pat the CEO is skipping a generation in his fabs to focus on ramping the next generation. Part of the 5 nodes in 4 years plan.

    4. You’re making me want to buy 20k on calls and blow my account… I already had to do a pdt reset because mvda dropped. Maybe I’ll use max margin too

    5. Glum-Investment-2518 on

      You’re mistaking something here. Nvdia only takes only 10% of tsmc’s manufacturing and apple is so much bigger…. I think it’s because of iPhone 16? Roast me

    6. ApatheticAussieApe on

      And because every retail trader and his dog is bullish NVDA… you best believe the dip is coming.

    7. Because of earnings. That’s literally y. Just post ur dd. You hopefully bought calls when it dipped to 100

    8. PleaseBLogicalNow on

      NVDA is trading at a price to sales value 4x TSMC. NVDA is trading at 10x the industry average. It’s a rather ludicrous valuation. Most of the chip purchases for data centers (which is ~75% of NVDA’s business) aren’t fulfilled upfront.

      When people start to pull back on those commitments, which they will, those price to sales values are going to collapse very, very quickly. Essentially, NVDA is a custom sign manufacturer right before the housing bubble burst. You’ve seen video of the empty communities around the US? They all had really nice signs custom signs at the entrance and all of those signs were never paid for. And all those sign manufacturers went out of business.

      No idea when this is going to happen. But it’s sooner than later I imagine.

    9. vanting_too_much on

      I thought this was following on from the Freddy got Fingered post. “You see I have charts and graphs, I made these on my computer”

    10. No it’s not lol… it’s peaked and was extremely overvalued (still is IMO), probably going to settle around $80-100 range

    11. NVDA earnings will beat estimates thats for sure. I’m bullish on NVDA long term and will likely hold till 2025 Q2 Q3. The forward guidance with the Blackwell announcement will excite the investors more for 2025. The amount of money pouring on AI And the demand for Blackwell alone will move NVDA price. Jensen is 2 steps ahead of the game. So if you want to get burnt go ahead and buy puts and challenge the leather jacket dude.
      Long leaps 60c and 70c 2026.

    12. My 114$ better go to six figures or I’ll go to the investors meeting to fuck shit up

    13. The real reason is because half my calls will expire on 8/16. After that, the downward pressure on it will be reduced.

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