Not too sure about how to play this – I’ve been holding Walmart 2026 calls for a while and it’s never spiked like this. I can honestly see this going 1 of 2 ways, it drops a few bucks and is steady for several months OR I sell and it’s $80 by Monday.

    Posted by wafflechub


    1. Rolling is a thing too. And you can roll into a bull call spread and take some profit off the table at the same time.

    2. If i would sell anytime i take a screenshot to show my friends, i would turn my $20k into $100k. Instead i have -$35k now. 

      So yes, you should sell.

    3. Sell the fuck out of those calls. Why wait for the BRRR to turn to PUHHHH![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|downvote)

    4. I am also wondering what I am gonna do with TGT on open.

      I have a few calls starting at 136, and retail is a big one today.

    5. Sell all the 69 strikes, and half the 100s. It wont move up much from here but wont drop much and could spike in future ERs

    6. CryptosianTraveler on

      Yes. Walmart has recently raised prices to the point of insanity. The last three times I was in there I checked out in under 2 minutes. NO lines and empty stores. This was across the states of PA, DE, and MD. Their next few 10-Q’s are gonna be a gut punch for stockholders.

    7. Putrid_Pollution3455 on

      If you’re making money then do it. Don’t be like the dozens of people paying tuition here!

    8. listen friends life can be this simple…
      at the very least take out what you put in.

      if you’re a gambler then gamble whatever remains after getting out what you put in.

    9. Bravo. I had the same $69 calls but held a bit longer to see if would surge up after the initial sell off, and nope it didn’t.

      But on the bright side I rolled most of that into September $35 ASTS calls at an average of $1.30, and a few AMAT calls.

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