Went full regard on this back in 2021. Bought 8k shares for $11 per. I watched as my account went as high as $150k in 2022 down to below $20k back in May. I kept diamond handing like a moron, but it's actually paid off. The run is just getting started!


    Posted by burnerboo


    1. grip_n_Ripper on

      That’s amazingly regarded. I bought in with that exact cost basis a couple of months back. Way to stick to your guns.

    2. Well done.
      I bought 240 shares 2 days ago when it dipped to 19.89 and 20 more last night…
      Too bad I did not have any more money…

    3. Longjumping-Week8761 on

      Damn… Those calls I didn’t buy would’ve looked nice today… But as I remind myself daily

      “There’s an opportunity everyday” congrats to you as well skank

    4. shadowhunter2491 on

      Good for you bro, I sold for a loss when it fell from 12 -> 6 back in like 2022

    5. Spiritual-Health2134 on

      With ya bro… 5500 shares from 2021.  $10.30 avg.  Gonna start taking some profits

    6. desperate-pleasures on

      Fuck I love seeing people get rewarded after years of believing. My 460 shares and I salute you!

    7. Congratulations, 438 shares at average of 10.80.
      I plan on selling some before september to secure some gains, I am not sure launching it on a SpaceX rocket is a guaranteed success, because of Musk.

    8. jumped on some $30 calls thinkin “ehhh no way” to wake up at it sitting at $26 from $20.60 overnight

    9. I only have 1 single share cause I’m new to investing but I heard about asts from here and made my first 10 dollars today. Thank you WSB

    10. I bought 125 shares at $10 back in June 2021 because of some random post some confident dude made.

      Through that time I’ve basically sold off individual stocks and went full index fund except ASTS. It was only $1k.

      Whoever that random guy is, thanks. I should’ve bought long calls like he did.

    11. SpezJailbaitMod on

      I bought 80 shares at $2.84 in march. Sold at $2.85 for some reason don’t remember why. 

    12. I’m in for 20 shares. Was excited when I opened robinhood to see I’m up $185 today.

    13. EifertGreenLazor on

      Tomorrow will be either congratulations or sorry for your loss post depending on how hedgies play the option expiry. I swear if brokerages crash tomorrow. . .

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