Posted by Sh4d0wH0dl3r


    1. Dude love seeing the gains on a stock like this. It’s been called out in WSB since like 2020.

    2. I don’t have anywhere near that kind of money but I literally sold every stock I had a month and a half ago and put it all into ASTS. It’s fucking incredible lol

      We have about $35k in savings and I’m now thinking of dipping into that to put into ASTS. A little late maybe but I suspect if the launch goes well, it’s gonna pop off even more

    3. Kitten_Team_Six on

      Yes bravo i wish i would have listened to the regards last year about this they were right km happy for you

    4. I want to thank you guys posting about your gains.
      I went ahead and purchased 240 shares when it dipped to $19.80 two days ago and I am already up significantly.
      It may not be as much as many of you, but it is a win.
      I also bought 2 contracts for a $20 strike price which are up


      P.s… The next big one is going to be **Rush Street Interactive, Inc. (RSI)**
      Get in on it now.

    5. All these rich people posting their rich people gains, meanwhile I’m just happy to recover 2k in margin from it lol

    6. Klutzy-Manager1910 on

      What you guys think about this pump? I believe it should be more higher, the eps is lower than expected but the good news are still coming and the stock is getting higher 😂 this sh*t is crazy

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