35,000 shares @$2.87

    Sold 3 Bitcoin I bought with credit card loans and put into ASTS shares before May earnings


    Posted by corey407woc


    1. Wow congrats! I won 3k im happy already haha small wins

      Anyway does anyone know the DATE actual ASTS launch?

    2. That’s insane! I’m “only” long 5 $10 jan ’26 LEAPS and was 700 long but those will get called away tomorrow sadly. What is your target to sell? I’m seriously considering putting in most of my capital after reading the KOOK report just now, thoughts?

    3. jareer-killer1 on

      See it’s posts like this making me lose more and more money ffs.

      Congrats you POS I’m happy for you but again fuck you ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)

    4. **Well done and congrats.**
      I was late to the game… but thanks to you guys posting the wins… and me doing my own DD… I went ahead and waited… waited… waited for the dip 3 days ago and bought 240 shares at $19.80.. best thing I did.
      I did not buy more because I bought so much NVDA and NVDL.
      I also bought 2 contracts for $20 strike price and they are up now Estimated Profit$1,928.00
      Thank you!!! ”
      **Going Yolo on RSI and CLOV now.. .**
      Check them out while their prices are low.

    5. FootoftheBeast on

      I remember your all in when we were in the $2-3s. That took balls. Your gains are well deserved, sir 👍

    6. Mr_meowmers00 on

      Is it bad that I’m so bitter about missing this train that I’m actively rooting for the damn rocket to blow up on the launch pad? Congrats and fuck you

    7. made some nice money selling calls over the last month or so – probably too late to hop on the stock

      should a, could a

      good job, fucker

    8. very-social-autist on

      I’ve followed Ampnaman or something on Twitter . These guys have been in this play for like four years. When it dipped under 3 dollars they kept producing dd. I made a tiny profit from 4 to 6 and went to Yolo somewhere else….

      I don’t think I’ve seen truer believers than the SpaceMob

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