$ASTS regards today πŸš€


    Posted by yolocallking


    1. I actually exercised my $19 call, didn’t think it would happen only about a month into options with my broke ass.

    2. I will save this and tell my grandkids that gambling err investing in ASTS made me retire at 40

    3. CheapestGaming on

      Can someone explain how this is better then SpaceX. Seems like they have the lead over low orbit satellites, once they figure out how to transmit internet without the big dish. Is ASTS have such a dominate lead/ patents they can continue to pay spacex to launch the equipment and never fear spacex start sending the same thing ?

    4. I bought at $10, sold at $12, and now bought back in at the top ($33.25)!😭😭😭

    5. ilikebunnies1 on

      I can’t wait to see the loss porn if their test flight goes poorly.

      With that being said fuck you and congrats.

    6. BuffaloSabresFan on

      I exited my warrant position this afternoon at $15. Left a bit of money on the table, but I made $28K. Would have been a 10 bagger, but I lost a bit a few weeks back due to buying short calls back at a bit of a loss. Debating entering a short position. Way overbought, and will be diluted with warrant redemption very soon. Already closed over $18 14 of the required 20 trading days to call for redemption.

    7. I have 356 shares at about $17. So I’m not rolling in it but as a relative noob with this stuff I’m happy. I just wish I understood WHY it’s up so much in one day and if I should keep buying or sell. 🀷

    8. NoMorePrivatePrisons on

      I was waiting for the explosion and total loss resulting from a stop in trade.

    9. CapitalElk1169 on

      I cashed out today up 140% at 30.11 per share. Unfortunately I only had 50 of them lol

      I never heard of this company besides someone doing some DD post here and I had some fun bucks kicking around. Wish I would have dumped more into it lol my cost was around 12 per share.

    10. spartan_117_5292 on

      They never did launch any rockets?? Their inaugural launch is in september? Did i get this right?

    11. I bought it because the picture post of the truck delivering satellites or pizza or something. Nice truck.

    12. So when was it posted to start investing in ASTS? First time I ever heard to the company. Can someone link to the original post?

    13. Another nicola company, they will offer internet from only 90 satelite! not 4k like starlink. What are they going to cover, only California? Give me a break, and they will have to use SpaceX to send them out.

    14. Capital-Smile-71 on

      A few months ago I saw someone say ASTS reminded them of β€œass tits”. I laughed and put the 50 dollars I had sitting in my account in. Wish I had put more!

    15. Regard here, is ASTS in competition with Starlink, or is Starlink just internet, not cellular?

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