1. Neutron, Rocket Lab’s medium class vehicle, will be a better Falcon 9 imo because it was designed for reusability from the start. Cutting-edge carbon fiber body had already been battle tested with electron, and it’s likely each Neutron first stage will eventually be capable of 20 flights (landing propulsively as F9 does. 9 archimedes engines will power neutron and the first production Archimedes was tested at 102% power, which indicates the engine should be ready for first flight in mid 2025.
    2. Peter Beck is all the genius that Elon is without the personality disorder and behavioral baggage. He’s a genius engineer who founded the company back in 2006, and has grown it into what it is today.
    3. Electron reached 50 flights faster than any launch vehicle in history (even faster than F9)

    4. Company on track to do $400 million in annual revenue this year; their last quarter was their best ever.

    5. Space systems currently makes up 2/3 their revenue, which is higher margin and less lumpy than launch revenue.

    6. Rocket Lab’s end game is to build & operate their own constellation, just as SpaceX has done with Starlink. Peter hasn’t specified exactly what the application will be, but he hinted on this last earnings call that they have a plan, but he’s keeping his cards close to this chest.

    7. Company should be profitable sometime in 2026 because Neutron R&D will be greatly reduced after first flight.

    I own 12,000 shares. Do your own research, thanks for reading.

    RKLB is next
    byu/Such-Echo6002 inwallstreetbets

    Posted by Such-Echo6002


    1. Various_Ad1407 on

      But how do these companies make profit and grow? I’m missing something because p/e is negative, gross profit is 51m with 244m revenue. Their net income is negative every year and -40m profit this quarter. I get they are reinvesting and have assets but what I don’t understand is the application and who will buy/use this product and for what? I’m pretty new to this so sorry if I’m regarded but I can’t imagine this company being worth it because I don’t understand how they are going to make $$$ with their assets. Flying around in space isn’t a business model or am I stupid?

    2. I watched a documentary a while ago, and I really like Peter Beck. He’s the real deal. He never went to college but never let them stop him. Started with a small rocket from NZ and made the company that is today. I don’t have any positions but they do seem to be a company that has a lot going for them and is improving.

    3. DapperGovernment4245 on

      It’s up 15% today I always have the suspicion when I read these and see those numbers that what I’m really reading is “Hey you wanna hold these bags for me”

    4. Not reading all of this but since you took the time to write this I’m sure it’s bullish, RKLB calls tomorrow at open

    5. ManBearPig_1983 on

      I’m not reading all that but I’m in you SON OF A BITCH! It’s up 12.5% today…that makes my pee-pee tingle.

    6. Looking into this one now… The options are expensive so that means there’s a lot of regards buying it.
      How along ago did you buy your shares?
      I will be buying it shortly. Thank you.

    7. PresentationReady873 on

      Yes baby yes ! Idk if it will come to fruition I really think we need Neutron on the pad or a mega constellation that FUCKS but I’m with you bro.
      I have 50 $6 Oct calls and 223 $5 Jan 2026 calls. I’ve been bag holding since 2021 lol and going from stock to calls to multiply my exposure. I even sold fucking puts baby to buy the Oct contracts.
      Breaking even @$8.50 but patiently waiting to the 30’s like goo’ol $ASTS so I can FUCK BOOM 💥

    8. Cutting edge Carbon fiber body…. Reusable…. Where have I heard these things before….

    9. Great company great leadership lots of different ideas and avenues to make $ I think a pullback short term wouldn’t be surprising but once they become profitable in the next few quarters the sky is the limit

    10. Holding 2,6k share. Will buy more tomorrow morning. Was caught off guard with the run up today

    11. imrickjamesbioch on

      Um, can’t take this post that serious if OP thinks Elmo is genius with just a personality disorder. Fact is just because you’re a shit talker and have connections to get the government to provide gov contracts, federal aid, subsidies to start his companies and then keep them a float, does make them a genius. What CEO even with a tiny brain can’t hire 1 person to simply set-up an audio conference call on its ring wing propaganda website without fucking that up multiple tines?

      Hope Rocket Labs moon tho!

    12. gottatrusttheengr on

      50 flights is a lot less impressive when it’s a fraction of the payload, and 3 customer payload failures already;

      Carbon is less of a cutting edge flex and more of a conscious design tradeoff: using carbon at this scale kills your ability to rapidly iterate because tooling costs are astronomical and extremely labor intensive; it also means a very labor heavy production and refurbishment cycle between launches and a very expensive inspection requirement.

    13. IgetCoffeeforCPTs on

      1000 shares here, been holding for over a year waiting for people to notice this thing.

    14. Everyone who doesn’t know much about Peter Beck and RKLB, watch Wild Wild Space on HBO Max! Just came out in July.

      43,600 shares here 🫡

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