I(19m) did what stupid privates do and married a person(19 non-binary) at my 1st duty station after only dating for 3 months. we've been married for 6 months now and I feel as though my spouse is toxic and I can't be with them anymore. (They are not physically or verbally abusive) I've tried talking to them about it and they act understanding and sorry in the moment but then they turn around and act angry and upset for a few days afterwards. my family has only met my spouse twice and they say they've been able to tell from the beginning that there's a lot of red flags. I'm gonna set up some marriage counseling with my chaplain and try and work things out but I don't have much confidence in doing so.

    my spouse works part time making about 20k a year and can go live with their parents if we divorced.

    my question is what would they be entitled to from me if we divorced? I only make 28k a year because we live on-post so no BAH. I read online that you have to be together for at least 10 years for the non-service member to be entitled to anything but I just wanted to be sure.

    tldr: what is my spouse entitled to if we got divorced? I don't make much more than they do and we've been married for 6 months, together for 9 total.

    if I left out any info please let me know.

    divorce after less than 1 year of marriage, no kids
    byu/professional–gooner inMilitaryFinance

    Posted by professional–gooner


    1. reddit_toast_bot on

      Probably nothing so don’t be a sap and promise a monthly stipend or something else.  Sign nothing until a real attorney looks over it.  There is no child support or anything else.  Lawyer up!

    2. blueandyellowbee on

      You haven’t been married a year, so entitled to almost nothing, probably nothing. Get out of it while you can and start over. At 19 it shouldn’t be that difficult.

    3. NotOSIsdormmole on

      In terms of your pay and benefits: literally nothing. They also lose all their spouse benis

      In terms of joint/marital property: that depends on the state you’re in so you should consult an attorney

    4. Well, knowing your spouse of less than 1 year is non-bionary ….somehow tells me quite a bit about their personality

    5. I doubt they would be entitled to anything. Given that you don’t have kids and I’m assuming no shared property, it is possible to have a really cheap divorce by filing for one yourself. If they are amicable and willing to just do the paperwork it won’t cost you more than $300 in most states. If you feel your relationship is worth saving, you can go to a relationship counselor/therapist (make sure to get one that understands LGBTQ relationship dynamics), however it seems you already made up your mind.

      Also goes without saying but in the future I would recommend knowing a person a lot more before marriage. It can be tempting to get married fast given the benefits the military provides, but the process can be a hassle.

    6. Bro, don’t get married till you’re 30. Play the field, have fun have relationships do all the shit but don’t get married again my friend figure out who the fuck you are before you try and figure out how to be married

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