My all in ASTS yolo thanks to an Oct 2021 WSB post with 3 upvotes but had solid DD. This stock will break triple digits in the coming years.

    Posted by phrenetiKz


    1. When I bought the stock it was at $10 in 2021. I reloaded with all my spare cash as it fell over the next year, still believing.

      Had to sell 1790~ shares a few weeks ago at $16. Don’t regret it as now I only have around 10k of my own money left in the stock. Will be 100% in ASTS until at least 2027.

      Edit: as a 33 yr old man I want to give some of you young guys some advice. I’ve been trading since my early 20s and made almost no good moves. There were certain stocks I bought way back in the day like AMD and PTN that were good plays but required time and patience. I used to check every day, try to make moves etc with a grand or two I could spare. I ended up making little to no profits trading this way and took a break for years from stocks. I couldn’t emotionally handle trading and checking the gains or losses every day. I always had paper hands. Hell I had 82 btc @ $50/ea and sold at $110. Always trying to make a quick buck since I didn’t have much money.

      As I got older and realized all the stocks+btc I had invested in early would have made me money long term, literally 95% of my buys could have made me hundreds of thousands to millions if I held for a couple of years. I decided to only buy things I believed in and HODL. Not playing options for a quick gain or hit, but long term thinking. Sure I may not spike to $5mil over night but this strategy is a lot less like gambling and more about securing yourself financially for the future. Hope you young guys can consider finding something you’re passionate in and holding it long term after doing proper DD vs all the quick moves. This is not financial advice and I’m just an idiot, this is what I’ve noticed from my experiences.

    2. Kooky_Lime1793 on

      I like your style but I have no position here. What makes you think they will hit triple digits? Who are there possible competitors presently, and who could be a competitor in the future? All the DD I have read makes it sound like the only current competitor is Starlink. 

    3. Congrats, I wish I bought more earlier, I believe there is some serious upside still if they can deliver.

    4. I read a bunch about this stock a while ago and was so _so_ close to pulling the trigger on multiple occasions between $3.5 and $5 

      Of course, I didn’t, and bought Intel instead

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