Look im not going to give you some boring DD, y'all can find it yourself, but in a nutshell they have the same business model as SpaceX (only other company) They make satellites/spacecraft, make the components, launch them, sell everything together or separately.

    This DD is the real reason why you should be invested in RKLB

    Their fucking CEO is a REAL Autist.

    Peter Beck, born in New Zealand was not your typical high school student. He started building weird fucking shit like bicycles with rockets on them and jetpacks


    Then he started working at a tool shop for a year.

    No daddy money, no university, nothing, then said fuck it and dropped out to create one of the biggest rocket companies in the world RocketLab

    With abouseltely 0 money, unlike Elon musk, and other billionaires like Jeff Bezos (who's blue origin is currently failing massively) and Richard Branson (who's company recently went bankrupt)

    Now Peter Becks Rocketlab company is about 6 months-1year away from launching its biggest rocket yet to compete in a bigger market, with their other Space businesses booming (70% YOY growth for their satellite businesss, in which they make satellites and sell components to other comanies)


    My money is on Peter Beck, a die hard rocket fan who against all odds, 0 money, 0 schooling, is whooping the billionaire competition and going against spacex, with there company growing exponentially the last couple years

    Cheers and here's some of my favourite Peter Beck Clips

    Peter Becks First Launch

    Peter Beck as a young man with 0 experience convincing venture capitalists to invest

    Peter Beck eating a physical hat lol

    $RKLB – Don't bet on the company, bet on the CEO
    byu/CDNWSYOLOER inwallstreetbets

    Posted by CDNWSYOLOER


    1. Worried-Reflection10 on

      Say less – I’ll buy shares just because he’s a Kiwi born just a couple hours away from me. I love when Kiwi’s are doing cool shit

    2. AsleepQuantity8162 on

      Rocket lab never heard of it but the name sounds catchy. I want to do more research on this.

    3. ms_channandler_bong on

      “His father, Russell Beck, was a museum and art gallery director and gemologist,[4] and his mother was a teacher.“

      Another fake came from nothing B.S. Not attending university wasn’t because he couldn’t pay for it.

      Art director dad sounds like old money especially in a place like NZ.

    4. As a person that works in space business, the only thing i can say, nobody is profitable doing just rockets and satellites, ASTS is pure speculation similar to rocket lab. by the moment, i only see hype post and a few smart regards that got in in the right time, congrats you made it!!! but be careful some people win the other people money, this is the game. These companies will print shares as soon as they need cash. I saw some post telling holding till 2030… i would not like to be there when stock is up 1000% and people start to cash out, the last one holds the bags ☺️

    5. Vendetta_2023 on

      0 money? The dude’s father was a gemologist and art gallery director…people don’t get those jobs unless they already have money.

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