Managed to be on the right side of the pump and dump

    Posted by Informatika


    1. I rode it on the way up this morning for a small gain. Wanted to short when the trend changed but decided to sit on my hands. This ticker is bonkers.

    2. Congratz n f u

      I only bought 1 and profited only 100usd

      Need to grow more BALLZ ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)

    3. Knew this was going to happen today, just didnt know when. So, I kept all shares in and waited till it dropped to about 31.20 and sold em all with 25% gains (handsome amount) and got out before 28/29 range ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)

    4. I rode down most of it with a throaway 0DTE and made mad gains. Unfortunately I didn’t put much money into it to begin with but a few hundred bucks out of thin air is still nice.

    5. Noob question

      If you buy this amount put do you need to have a 100% margin requirement?

    6. Putrid_Web_8080 on

      Good timing dude. Yesteday I thought about buy put at $30 then chicken out then it went to $36 then got distracted with porn, when i checked it went down to $30

    7. This was an absolute gamble. I saw Asts at 15% up yesterday, figured it was near the top and bought puts when 26% , just to watch it go up 56%. A couple of weeks ago Asts had a spike and then an even bigger one the very next, also this stock sometimes drops hard then bounces back even harder so I got calls when it was up 6%, now it’s down 6%. Maybe no longer a penny stock, but it still moves like one

    8. Nice. I closed my $10Jan26 calls and rolled into a bunch more $30 jan26. 🚀 👨‍🚀 🚀

    9. Natural_Bag_3519 on

      You close them out or did you just take a screenshot 🤣 I’m just fucking with you. I’m long long AST and have one thing to say… Congrats and fuck you 🥂

    10. evansometimeskevin on

      I added those to my watch list at .08 and the gaping pussy I am didn’t pull the trigger. I’m up buying $30 calls at .4 each though

    11. TheBooneyBunes on

      I hope you sold cuz that 28.80 area was near the low today, good trade though if you did sell

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