1. That’s what we’d call committed.

      I’ve been there. You just know it’ll turn around any moment. Then it doesn’t.
      Then you’re like “it’s GOT to get better now, right??!!!”

      Any day now…

      Screw it. I can’t sell now. I’ll just own it for 10 years now.

    2. spacecadet501st on

      Honestly man, I don’t even feel sorry for you. Your dumb ass had half a million to start with and this was most logical investment choice, you took ? If you put it in Intel, at least you still would’ve had 300,000 or so left. Go cry me a river, rich boy.

    3. Did you fall for the short squeeze rumors? As soon as their super late 10-K  paperwork didn’t catalyze a huge stock bump, I figured nothing would.

    4. I hope it’s like 2% of OP’s port. I mean, when the Intel grandkid starts dunking on you, you know you fucked up.

    5. I don’t know how you guys can gamble like this all the time. It’s absurd, where do I get that kind of money to lose?

    6. Did you buy in 5/6/2024?

      If you put that cost basis into $ASTS on 5/6/2024 you’d have $10.4M today.. ouch.

    7. stopbanningme6969 on

      Hang in there man, 200k is still a shit ton and your life is worth more than numbers on a screen

    8. I warned about the RILY fraud and pump/dump weeks ago. I wished you had followed me and saw that advice. They are a criminal organization. Their stock price will go to nothing.

    9. Active-Vegetable2313 on

      nobody is sending help for you losing money.

      it’s for posting on reddit for attention. how sad is your life that you need fake internet points to make you feel better lol

    10. TrumpsCheetoJizz on

      I’ll meet you behind the wendys for the rest of what you have in your trading account…. if you’d like 😉

    11. ShadowKnight324 on

      Out of all the stocks out there you choose to degen into this crap on earnings. How the…WHY THE HELL would you choose this no name shitcoin of a dead stock that hasn’t even recovered a fraction of what it had in 2009, during the biggest fucking bullrun of the century!

      How can you be so fucking re*$&#ed, with so much fucking money, to choose to buy FUCKING OPTIONS of this garbage company no one has even heard. This infuriates me.

      You could have bought a nice beach side house on the coast of Italy or something. You could have invested in on the fucking S&P for God sakes and double it in 10 years but no, you had to be a degen, to waste what most people on this planet could even earn in lifetime on gambling. Fuck you.

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